I'm not planning on any more votes until the current votes end.
Right now, the Open/Hotstamp play-in round and the Ceramic/Hybrid play-in round is going. You can look at the bracket thread for each class and confirm which matchups are being voted.
It's the set owner's responsibility to post pr0n. I may make some exception for these first votes because people who were expecting a December vote may not have checked in for a Feb/March vote. I get that. Then again, some people didn't link to pron when they entered their chips, and I had to find the pron thread. So my links may not be the best pictures of the chips. I'm hesitant to insert the first link I found to the set for pr0n that the chip owner can provide...
Two things I've learned already: 1.) No matter what, someone will complain and 2.) No matter what, someone has an idea of how to do it better.
As to the latter lesson, at some point the time/work involved is greater than the benefit provided.
EDIT: if I sound grumpy, it's not universal. Many people have thanked me for the time and effort put
to getting this going.