Impossible for me to do a single shout-out because the past year was a blast.
@toothpic for the endless laughs via text message, phone calls, FaceTimes. Bro, you need to use that “wanna get away” fare for a day and get up to KC and I’m hosting a game in your honor.
@TheB00T for going above and beyond behind the scenes to help me complete, and then add to my Tropicana v2 set.
• To the Maryland PCF crew for welcoming me not once, but twice, to their game when I was in the area on different occasions for work.
@krafticus is a tremendous host, and it was great to meet
@Chippy McChiperson and
@PhilLaFond, among others, in person. Chippy's Mapes set is incredible.
@Poker Zombie and
@Mrs Poker Zombie for taking time to sit down and chat over a beer or two or three when I was in Nashville for work. That was a lot of fun and looking forward to doing it again!
@Chester Copperpot and
@MIZ for helping out in getting the KC Straddle planned. Also to
@inca911 and
@k9dr for their valuable input. Can’t wait to see all of you next summer.
• Lastly, to my poker BFF,
@Grandmasturkey . We are the co-founders of The NLZ, aka the No Limp Zone, at my home game and whenever we're at a table together. Truly a blast chatting chips and poker with my pal.