Canceled 31" Antique Roulette Wheel (1 Viewer)

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Mar 10, 2017
Reaction score
Denville, NJ
Rating - 100%
31   0   0
I have someone near me in NJ who has hit a mother load and one item is an antique Roulette Wheel.
I don't know much about Roulette Wheels. It's made by F. Grote and Co. of New York.
It's made of Maple and Rosewood. It was taken from a SpeakEasy in 1940. It was the 500 Club, that had burnt down I think. He's asking for 10k, but I know he'll work with you if there's any interest. I think he's just putting a number out there too.
I'm not sure how to ship an item like this but that's a discussion for later.

I'm sure that $10k is very steep. He'll go down in price if there's interest. $8k? Or PM me an interest.
Please pass this along to any other people you know looking for a specialty item like this.

Its a single 0 wheel, so its going to be hard to match it up with a felt anymore, most have two 0's, the 0 and the 00. Storing it in a rental shed was not the best thing they could have done with this, especially if its a free standing one.

Never mind, its got both!
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Its a single 0 wheel, so its going to be hard to match it up with a felt anymore, most have two 0's, the 0 and the 00. Storing it in a rental shed was not the best thing they could have done with this, especially if its a free standing one.

Thanks for the heads info. I had no idea to even look for the 00 vs 0
and being a free standing wheel.
I hate to say it but if he wants to get 8-10k then eBay is a good option. I would be pretty surprised if anyone here ponies up that much.
Its a single 0 wheel, so its going to be hard to match it up with a felt anymore, most have two 0's, the 0 and the 00. Storing it in a rental shed was not the best thing they could have done with this, especially if its a free standing one.

I see a 00 in the third photo.
I hate to say it but if he wants to get 8-10k then eBay is a good option. I would be pretty surprised if anyone here ponies up that much.

I told him this is mostly a Chipping site. But I just threw this out there to see if anyone was interested. For $8k someone could buy a crap load of minty paulsons. lol
I'd be surprised if someone offers more than 2K for this, and that's if they want to go to the trouble of refurbishing themselves. Freight would be min $300 I think.

Yeah, I think his number is high. I doubt anyone wants to pay alot for something they have to refurbish. Just putting this out there for our community.
they're always crazy hobbiests though... like i heard some people will pay thousands of dollars for a few hundred pieces of clay... sheeeesh :whistle: :whistling:
How about a short clip of it spinning? I've got a super nice felt from a casino for this if anyone seriously pursues this kind of thing.

He could probably get some decent money for it if he paired it up with some of those 60,000 chips.
@T_Chan would be the only guy I could think about that would want something like this

Thanks. I know he on the other side of the states from where its located. He would probably know the value of something like this. Open to offers.
I do LOVE this wheel. The retro styling and faded colors look awesome. It is not a project I want to embark on right now but it is damn cool.

If the timing was different I would be interested. I would also probably only want to spend 2k max for this.
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