SOLD 497 Paulson Classics: 1s, 5s, 25s, 100s, 500s, & 1000s (15 Viewers)

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High Hand
Aug 21, 2023
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
7   0   0
For sale are 497 Paulson Classics at $4/chip = $1,988 shipped to CONUS (I'll cover shipping). PPFF

The white 1s are well played and smooth (see 3rd photo below). The rest of the chips are sharp-edged and unplayed.

Following denominations:
90 White 1s
130 Red 5s
64 Green 25s
121 Black 100s
62 Purple 500s
30 Orange 1000s
497 Paulson Classics

Not looking to split for now. Know it's a weird combination, trying to round out my collection. Hopefully, the below can supplement an existing collection for another PCFer.




honestly, the best chip in the game imho. I know some PCFrs prefer the WTHC, Tigers, etc. But really, classics are the first love of so many, the GOAT in sheeps clothing. My poker fam likes the classics more than the WTHC - I tabled both.

To each their own! At least we can agree - we all love of poker chips :D
honestly, the best chip in the game imho. I know some PCFrs prefer the WTHC, Tigers, etc. But really, classics are the first love of so many, the GOAT in sheeps clothing. My poker fam likes the classics more than the WTHC - I tabled both.

To each their own! At least we can agree - we all love of poker chips :D

I agree. The WTHC I had felt and sounded very plasticity to me. Thats why I sold them years ago. Wish I still had them now though. Still have my classics though and love them. Could still use about 50 more of the $25 btw.
Many of the detractors don’t like the mold I’m thinking because of the looks.
As far as feel, they have even more clay on the face than even THC chips, and that clay-to-clay surface makes them one of the best feeling Paulsons out there.
Have someone willing to take everything but the whites - if someone else is interested in the whites - willing to split two ways.
Yeah I don’t understand the mold haters either. People love house molds. This is just a Paulson house mold. And in my opinion way better than rhc. ????
It is hard to imagine, but I could never quite fall in love with them. I once owned a pretty big set, enough for 2 table tournaments, but I never could get used to “Paulson Chips”

That said, they are AMAZING chips. If I could go back, and be a little bit richer, and wiser, I’d never have sold my set. These are killer chips. Wayyyyyy better than RHC, in my opinion, and they feel incredible. I miss them.
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