SOLD 700 chip Park Place (Abbiati) cash set (1 Viewer)

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Royal Flush
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
204   0   0
In adding on to my cash set, I bought way more than I need. So I am posting the extra for sale.

For sale:

100 x $0.25
200 x $1
300 x $5
80 x $20
20 x $100

Price: $1760 + shipping

Preference to someone wanting the entire set. But willing to split if all chips are spoken for. Will leave it up for at least 24 hours for a single buyer before a split will be considered.

Here is what has been claimed if split:
100 x $1
100 x $5
80 x $20
20 x $100

Will post photos if I must, but am feeling lazy.
I'll take the whole set. I'd prefer you split off one rack of fives to someone else. But if that's a deal breaker I'll take the whole thing
Thank god! I'm itching over here trying to figure out if I really need another cash set, but I don't have an abbiati set, and like these are pretty and and and... phew!
I'm buying it sight unseen. I trust Mel
I'm sure there is ZERO problem with Mel's chips. I'm not familiar with what this person's set looks like (standard look or custom). But ever since I've become aware of this brand of chips, I've been interested in getting some and was very curious of what it costs to get custom ones made (if it's even a possibility).

No offense to the seller at all, just wanted to see some nice chip porn!! :D
I'm sure there is ZERO problem with Mel's chips. I'm not familiar with what this person's set looks like (standard look or custom). But ever since I've become aware of this brand of chips, I've been interested in getting some and was very curious of what it costs to get custom ones made (if it's even a possibility).

No offense to the seller at all, just wanted to see some nice chip porn!! :D
I'm sure there is ZERO problem with Mel's chips. I'm not familiar with what this person's set looks like (standard look or custom). But ever since I've become aware of this brand of chips, I've been interested in getting some and was very curious of what it costs to get custom ones made (if it's even a possibility).

No offense to the seller at all, just wanted to see some nice chip porn!! :D
Not that I could even afford this set anyways. After doing a quick search on my own I did find this photo (google search). Chips look AMAZING!!!!
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