Reassuring content of e-mail I just received:
"Dear X,
I hope this message finds you well.
Thank you for using 1stdibs to search for beautiful pieces. We regret to inform you that your order for the Pharoah's Poker Chips and Accessories cannot be completed because it is no longer available for purchase. The seller did not update his or her inventory to reflect this change in status, which is why you were still able to move forward online. We have canceled your order and your card will not be charged. Any authorizations still visible on your card should disappear within the next couple business days.
We realize that situations like this can be very frustrating and we take them very seriously. The Account Management team has been informed of your unfortunate experience and a member will follow up with the seller to reinforce the importance of an accurately maintained inventory in order to prevent these types of issues. Rest assured that another such lapse could result in penalties to the seller, including removal from the website.
If you have any questions or need any other assistance, please let us know.
Kind regards,
1stdibs Support"
Fine with me. Posted to restore that website's credibility
"Dear X,
I hope this message finds you well.
Thank you for using 1stdibs to search for beautiful pieces. We regret to inform you that your order for the Pharoah's Poker Chips and Accessories cannot be completed because it is no longer available for purchase. The seller did not update his or her inventory to reflect this change in status, which is why you were still able to move forward online. We have canceled your order and your card will not be charged. Any authorizations still visible on your card should disappear within the next couple business days.
We realize that situations like this can be very frustrating and we take them very seriously. The Account Management team has been informed of your unfortunate experience and a member will follow up with the seller to reinforce the importance of an accurately maintained inventory in order to prevent these types of issues. Rest assured that another such lapse could result in penalties to the seller, including removal from the website.
If you have any questions or need any other assistance, please let us know.
Kind regards,
1stdibs Support"
Fine with me. Posted to restore that website's credibility