Auction will use the '5 minutes after last closing bid rule'. Highest bid at
[ 23:00 GMT+1, 05/18/2020 ] will win unless there is a bid within 5 minutes of closing time - then the closing time will be within 5 minutes after the latest bid was posted.
A bid at the close time is NOT a valid bid. Since seconds are not displayed on post timestamps,
these examples will be used as a reference.
- Auction will use the '5 minutes after last closing bid rule'. Highest bid at [ 23:00 GMT+1, 05/18/2020 ] will win unless there is a bid within 5 minutes of closing time - then the closing time will be within 5 minutes after the latest bid was posted. A bid at the close time is NOT a valid bid. Since seconds are not displayed on post timestamps, these examples will be used as a reference.