Advice needed on Custom chips (2 Viewers)


Sitting Out
Jan 30, 2017
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Hi all! Poker chip newbie here

I've always wanted a Paulson set for my home game but due to the high cost I never got one for myself

Recently I was browsing through apache site and came across their custom poker chips- the majestic and the Milano.

Which one would you recommend that would come close to a Paulson? Also any other sets in apache that you would recommend? I saw the Dune and Pharoahs set there and was also considering those.

My budget is roughly $300 - 400 for 500 chips.

The best recommendation is to order sample sets.

What you like best online is likely to not be the same after you have them in person, to see, hear, hold and handle...

You should also check out some ceramics, which are in your price range, as well.
The best recommendation is to order sample sets.

What you like best online is likely to not be the same after you have them in person, to see, hear, hold and handle...

You should also check out some ceramics, which are in your price range, as well.

Unfortunately I'm based quite far from the US so shipping sample chips seems too pricey. I've handled Paulsons before so I'm ok with a set that comes as close as possible.
Generally speaking, the only chips that come close to Paulson chips are going to cost at least as much as Paulson chips (ASM/CPC, TRK, BCC).

Sample chips are cheap, compared to spending big bucks on something you find out you don't even like. That is what's really pricey.
What's ASM/CPC TRK and BCC? Sorry I'm really new to this. Signed up on the forum just to open this thread. Where do you find those?

Any chips anyone would highly recommend for 1/2 home games?
My suggestion: Make use of the search function on this forum for the next 2-3 days before making any further inquiries. All of the questions you are asking have been asked and answered before and there are extensive discussions on all these topics. After you've done that you're going to be exponentially more informed and can ask more specific questions that drastically focus your search.

Also, order samples. Best advice on here, as you'll read from the many other people who were in your boat and initially resistant.

Good luck! Tons of wisdom and support on this forum.
What's ASM/CPC TRK and BCC?
ASM/CPC - formerly Atlantic Standard Molding and then American Standard Molding, now operating as Classic Poker Chips (and a PCF forum sponser). The only vendor on earth from whom you can purchase custom-made high-end clay chips. They also offer stock designs.

TRK - T.R.King Co., a high-end clay chip manufacturer for casinos and the home market that is no longer in business. Chips from closed casinos and home market sets (both new and used) can only be purchased on the open secondary market - places like the PCF Classifieds, eBay, Craigslist, and private sales.

BCC - Blue Chip Company, another high-end clay chip manufacturer for casinos and the home market that is no longer in business (assets purchased by GPI - Gaming Partners International - who also owns Paulson). Like TRK, BCC chips are only available on the secondary market.

GPI - Gaming Partners International, a large French corporation who dominates the world-wide casino chip market. Brands include Paulson, Bud Jones, B&G, Blue Chip, Dolphin, and Gemaco. They no longer make chips for the home market. Casino chips (and home market sets) are only available on the secondary market unless you are a legitimate gaming establishment.
GPI - Gaming Partners International, a large French corporation who dominates the world-wide casino chip market. Brands include...Dolphin
Didn't know they owned Dolphin. For some reason I thought Dolphin was owned by TCS JohnHuxley.
ASM/CPC - formerly Atlantic Standard Molding and then American Standard Molding, now operating as Classic Poker Chips (and a PCF forum sponser). The only vendor on earth from whom you can purchase custom-made high-end clay chips. They also offer stock designs.

TRK - T.R.King Co., a high-end clay chip manufacturer for casinos and the home market that is no longer in business. Chips from closed casinos and home market sets (both new and used) can only be purchased on the open secondary market - places like the PCF Classifieds, eBay, Craigslist, and private sales.

BCC - Blue Chip Company, another high-end clay chip manufacturer for casinos and the home market that is no longer in business (assets purchased by GPI - Gaming Partners International - who also owns Paulson). Like TRK, BCC chips are only available on the secondary market.

GPI - Gaming Partners International, a large French corporation who dominates the world-wide casino chip market. Brands include Paulson, Bud Jones, B&G, Blue Chip, Dolphin, and Gemaco. They no longer make chips for the home market. Casino chips (and home market sets) are only available on the secondary market unless you are a legitimate gaming establishment.

We should update the PCF Glossary for these terms you listed above. Great descriptions!
There are also companies that do high-quality injection-molded plastics, and high-quality ceramics.

I do realize that, on the chip spectrum, they are not very similar to Paulsons. However, in my opinion, the sets you mentioned are also not very similar to Paulsons, even though they're meant to emulate a "real" clay chip. I own Paulsons, ceramics, and cheap chips. I don't have a CPC set, but I have many CPC samples - and while they are the real deal and are excellent, they're not in the price range you mentioned.

In your price range, I'd rather get a better quality chip than get something that's trying to inexpensively resemble a Paulson. That's my opinion. I don't think you can have a genuine opinion of you own based on web sites or videos; you need to see, hear, and handle them. Hearing through speakers is weak sauce. Watching someone handle them is weak sauce. Seeing them in photos is weak sauce. Opinions change after handling chips, that's why you will see so many recommendations to get samples.

Individual preferences matter greatly. I have a sample set of Milanos. In the spectrum of chips, they don't actually resemble a Paulson, to me. If I'm getting a cheaper chip, I'd rather pay half what a Milano costs (and I have). But there are others who absolutely love their Milanos. I have nothing against them - I'm glad they're happy with that chip. I'm just saying you can't know if you're like me, or like them, or somewhere in between, without getting your hands on some.

I understand the predicament of being in a country where getting samples shipped is a hassle and an expense. That does make it tougher... but you've just come to an international forum of chippers. Put out some posts in the appropriate sub-forums to introduce yourself and find some other Singaporeans. Find out what the other chippers have... meet them... maybe you order one set of samples, the thing none of the other chippers have... that way, you benefit your local community, and they benefit from your presence.

Good luck!
I can tell you that the chips you have mentioned in the OP are a great starter chip, I had the Pharaohs and LOVED them.. How ever, the more recent batches had/have a tendance to chip a little during play. The dunes feel a bit more PLASTICY more then the Pharaohs and Majestics. another great chip thats readily available is KEY WEST a little over your budget but worth it..

I do suggest getting samples, because there is a lot of difference from screen to hand..

Good Luck
Luckily for you, you could probably land a genuine Paulson Horseshoe Cleveland/Cincinnati 500pc cash set for around $400 now. Keep an eye on the classifieds/vendor section. Happy chipping!
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came across their custom poker chips- the majestic and the Milano.

Which one would you recommend that would come close to a Paulson? Also any other sets in apache that you would recommend?

Lots of comments. To actually answer your questions - none of these come close to a Paulson.

Which one would I recommend? Well, the Majectics have far superior colors and edge spots which I love, but the mold sucks and they feel slippery to me. The Milanos offer better bang for your buck and I like the mold better. Are the Milanos worth the extra $ over the Milanos? For me not, but its a pretty close choice. The Majestics with a different mold/feel at Milanos prices would completely dominate this category IMO.

Luckily with your budget, you have a wide range of chips you can chose from. Have you looked at ceramics and the Tiki Kings?
Buyout was last May, but they just recently plastered it front and center on page one of the web site:

GPI continues to scoop up all of the important little fish (and marine mammals).

I remember GPI saying that the 2nd run of the CPS chips was time sensitive because of some change in the market (I suspected a merger). I wonder if they were using Dolphin to manufacture the CPS chips?
Majectics have far superior colors and edge spots which I love, but the mold sucks and they feel slippery to me. The Milanos offer better bang for your buck and I like the mold better.

@Xcaliblur - the above post is a perfect example of why your own personal evaluation of samples is totally necessary:

@mummel loves the Milano chips and thinks the Majestic mold sucks, while I feel that the Majestic mold is one of the finest china clay molds available, and that the Milano chips are the worst china clays ever produced.

Only by evaluating them yourself will you be able to determine what works for you and what doesn't. Get samples.... the cost is worth it.
I remember GPI saying that the 2nd run of the CPS chips was time sensitive because of some change in the market (I suspected a merger). I wonder if they were using Dolphin to manufacture the CPS chips?
GPI (or Dolphin) did NOT produce the CPS chips, ever.
Unfortunately I'm based quite far from the US so shipping sample chips seems too pricey

I too didnt want to buy samples, seemed like a waste of $, just so they could sit in a drawer once I finalized my decision etc, but I ended up getting a whole bunch months after I got my Milanos, to put them in display cabinets for decor, and I can say that if you use them like this, the added benefit/knowledge gained from having them in hand is definitely worth the cost. I love looking at them on wall.

Luckily the samples confirmed the Milanos were the best choice for me.

Still hoping on info from Apache on the next epic China clay group buy.
Only by evaluating them yourself

Exactly what BG said. Everyone here has a personal preference, so you should figure out what you like best.

Checkout the Tikis and Nevada Jacks for your price point too.
There is an outside chance that you may be reasonably close to @jemfernandez (Malaysia)
Thanks @Poker Zombie :), @Xcaliblur I do have some samples of CPC/ASM, some TRKs, random Paulsons of varying molds(THC, RHC, different inlay sizes etc), I have a set of Majestics from which I can spare some extras and also some used Paulsons (the recent Horseshoe Cleveland) that would be around your budget if you like the feel of Casino used Paulsons and wanted to pick up a set.

This can all be pretty overwhelming when you first start out looking for a set, so Drop me a PM, and I can probably post you some chips or if you're around KL you can drop by and check them out yourself and I do travel to Singapore quite often as well, though not anytime soon.
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Lots of comments. To actually answer your questions - none of these come close to a Paulson.

Which one would I recommend? Well, the Majectics have far superior colors and edge spots which I love, but the mold sucks and they feel slippery to me. The Milanos offer better bang for your buck and I like the mold better. Are the Milanos worth the extra $ over the Milanos? For me not, but its a pretty close choice. The Majestics with a different mold/feel at Milanos prices would completely dominate this category IMO.

Luckily with your budget, you have a wide range of chips you can chose from. Have you looked at ceramics and the Tiki Kings?

Some Milano ProN for you

ASM/CPC - formerly Atlantic Standard Molding and then American Standard Molding, now operating as Classic Poker Chips (and a PCF forum sponser). The only vendor on earth from whom you can purchase custom-made high-end clay chips. They also offer stock designs.

TRK - T.R.King Co., a high-end clay chip manufacturer for casinos and the home market that is no longer in business. Chips from closed casinos and home market sets (both new and used) can only be purchased on the open secondary market - places like the PCF Classifieds, eBay, Craigslist, and private sales.

BCC - Blue Chip Company, another high-end clay chip manufacturer for casinos and the home market that is no longer in business (assets purchased by GPI - Gaming Partners International - who also owns Paulson). Like TRK, BCC chips are only available on the secondary market.

GPI - Gaming Partners International, a large French corporation who dominates the world-wide casino chip market. Brands include Paulson, Bud Jones, B&G, Blue Chip, Dolphin, and Gemaco. They no longer make chips for the home market. Casino chips (and home market sets) are only available on the secondary market unless you are a legitimate gaming establishment.

This is great information, do we have a sticky post about this? I think that would be immensely valuable to many of us.

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