Auction All 50mm BCC Tournament Set (7 Viewers)

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These were from a group buy run on chiptalk ages ago. like maybe 10 years or more ago.
they were produced by bcc when they got enough interest and had enough buyers.
It was I think mainly done as grand set addons to kinda flair out your set.

Chiptalk is dead or I might be able to find the history on it. I was one of the original group
buy members. They sold alot of these but most people just bought a few barrels. No full sets.
I never followed it after I got mine. Those custom label chips there were wicked cool too.
Pretty sure this may have been it. This was for two racks.

Amount:$245.90 USD
Sent on:November 21, 2011
Payment method:Bank account
Subject line of your payment email:BCC Group Buy
Message in your payment email:Payment for the BCC Group Buy for hardhouseinc
Message in your payment email:Payment for the BCC Group
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