SOLD All of my sample sets and individual chip lots (1 Viewer)

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Damn, late to the party.

Paulson grand card room pls
Cpc rounders (if available)

Really wanted the iron bank sample, but think they r spoken for

One Paulson GCR set is yours, others were taken already. Sorry.
I'm at post 84. Monterey's seem to be unclaimed. Yours now, if no one has claims before this post.

I snagged the Monterey Clubs in post #16. Looks like I also went for the Four Suits in post #35. Thanks, and good luck with all the sorting!
In for the following:

1 x Chateau de Noix sample sets, cash and tourney / 14 chips / $35
1 x BCC Lady Luck Club cash sample set / 5 chips / $12
1 x ASM/CPC Lady Luck Club cash sample set / 6 chips / $15 per set
1 x Matsui Tournament Poker sample set glossy red / 6 chips / $18
1 x BCC Grand Cardroom edgespotted sample set / 6 chips / $15
1 x CPC FDL solid sample set / 8 chips / $14
1 x BCC GCOP sample set / 9 chips / $25
1 x ASM/CPC Bel Air sample set / 6 chips / $15
1 x CPC Brett's Casino sample set / 5 chips / $15
5 x Paulson Grand Cardroom sample set / 5 chips / $12 per set
1 x AM/CPC Astro Lounge sample set / 6 chips / $15 per set
1 x ASM Three Putt Poker sample set / 6 chips / $18

@BNM Cross Check. You got these :). OK?

1 x Matsui Tournament Poker sample set glossy red / 6 chips / $18
1 x CPC FDL solid sample set / 8 chips / $14
3 x Paulson Grand Cardroom sample set / 5 chips / $12 per set
1 x AM/CPC Astro Lounge sample set / 6 chips / $15 per set
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Suggestion: put an inventory in op with all sets and who is buying them/what is still available to purchase?

More work for you Pasi but it would reduce the confusion...

...and it's your fault anyway for having such an awesome samples collection that is in such high demand!! ;)

Don't see any of these claimed yet (If I missed em' sorry). If still available add these to my list of purchases please.

1 x Paulson Argosy tournament sample set / 6 chips / $14
1 x BCC Mardi Gras sample set / 12 chips / $26
1 x CPC Blades sample set / 5 chips / $14

Yepp, They are marked for you now.
Are all this available?

1 x Paulson sample set (1 Bourbon Street $5, 1 Casino Aztar $25, 1 Casino Aztar $100, two Avalon 500's, two Avalon 1000's) / 7 chips / $14

miscallaneous chips 618'n stuff / $25

3 x CPS sample set, cash and tourney / 21 chips / $7 per set (the 3 sets)

Reply coming shortly...
@72o called the first Suicide Queen set in post #31. I fortunately snagged the second SQ set in post #36. @k9dr is letting them go to us per post #107. You can save some shipping by combining @Mr. Cheese and my chips in one shipment. Once you have the summary, he and I will make sure to provide a payment. Thanks!
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I'll take the glossy red text set please.

Also, I'll take the Siam's and the California Club if either of them are still available

Sorry, Matsuis were taken with defined posts. Could not reserve them for you, since I didn't know, what to reserve. Siam's have also gone, as well as California Clubs.
Thanks so much. This was helpful. I had this one worng first. Thanks for correcting me :)
Haha no worries. I think you threw a lot of us into a state of panic to get the sets we desired. I give you credit for trying to sort this all out. You have/had some really nice samples there Pasi.
Haha no worries. I think you threw a lot of us into a state of panic to get the sets we desired. I give you credit for trying to sort this all out. You have/had some really nice samples there Pasi.

Thanks. Panic was in here too :)
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Hi All,

I'm new to collecting these types of chips. Most of you don't know me. I realize that most (or even all) of these have been claimed, but I will list all that I would get if available, just in case someone backs out. Also if anyone else might have these below sample sets that they would be willing to sell, please PM me.

CPC Scroll Mold Rounders set
CPC Circle Square Rounders set
ASM Lucky Lady set
ASM California Club set
ASM Kings Club set
ASM Suicide Queen set
ASM Yoshi's sample set

Jeff in Iowa

Did I reply already. Sorry, these are all gone.
I think I got Club Courages and 1 Lady Luck ASM set, will wait to see final tallies and updates though
Suggestion: put an inventory in op with all sets and who is buying them/what is still available to purchase?

More work for you Pasi but it would reduce the confusion...

...and it's your fault anyway for having such an awesome samples collection that is in such high demand!! ;)

That's my plan, when I get up-to-date ;). And thanks.
@72o called the first Suicide Queen set in post #31. I fortunately snagged the second SQ set in post #36. @k9dr is letting them go to us per post #107. You can save some shipping by combining @Mr. Cheese and my chips in one shipment. Once you have the summary, he and I will make sure to provide a payment. Thanks!

Thanks. Let's do all the combining after I have all chips sorted out :)
I think I got all sorted out so far (post#202 is the last above this post now)

2 x BCC Inplay sample set / 5 chips / $10 per set
@Solid Snake (post#110)

1 x CPC scroll mold Rounders sample set / 7 chips / $18
@DMZ (post#6)
MillyS: Sorry, gone

1 x CPC Circle Square Rounders sample set / 8 chips / $20
@Godzilla28 (post#83)
MillyS: Sorry, gone

2 x Iron Bank sample sets / 6 chips / $15 per set
These sets also have the black/white half-pie chip. Not pictured.
@Psypher1000 (post#3) Do you want both sample sets or just one?
If you want only one, the another one goes to @bivey (post#4).
madforpancakes: Sorry, these seem to be gone to Psypher and bivey
MillyS: Sorry, gone
Toby: Sorry, gone

1 x CPS sample set, cash and tourney / 21 chips / $7 per set
@AK Chip (post#37)

1 x CPS sample set, cash and tourney / 21 chips / $7 per set
@CdnBeerLover (post#60)

1 x CPS sample set, cash and tourney / 21 chips / $7 per set
@dany626 (post#87) - you got only one, others were taken already

5 oversized BCC Grand Cardroom T5000 chips / $15
@pltrgyst (post#20)
AWenger: Sorry, these are gone

Chateau de Noix sample sets, cash and tourney / 14 chips / $35
@Psypher1000 (post#2). Do you want me to glue the one chip or do
you want to do it yourself? I will send it anyways. @bivey might
supply you with a new one also (thanks bivey)
Ben: Sorry, gone
BNM: Sorry, gone
Toby: Sorry, gone

Casino Aztar Evansville primary and secondary sample set together / 24 chips / $30
@pltrgyst (post#20)
Godzilla28: Sorry, Larry got them
1 x CPC Aurora Club sample set / 5 chips / $13
AK Chip (post#47)

1 x CPC Via Lactea sample set / 7 chips / $17.50
@bivey (post#4)
2nd dibs @manamongkids (post#7) if bivey does ends up not needing them
Toby: Sorry, gone

1 x Paulson Grand Victoria sample set / 7 chips / $18
@Split (post#35)
Mr. Cheese: dibs, if Split withdraws

1 x BCC Four Suits sample set / 10 chips / $20
@Split (post#35)

1 x Paulson R&O Cardroom sample set / 5 chips / WAS A GIFT FOR ME
@TheBigTater: Tom, will be returned to home :)

1 x Paulson sample set (1 Bourbon Street $5, 1 Casino Aztar $25,
1 Casino Aztar $100, two Avalon 500's, two Avalon 1000's) / 7 chips / $14
@Don Clay: unfortunately I don split lots. Wanna get all of these?
@dany626 (post#163) confirmed

1 x PCF ceramic sample set / 5 chips / $7

1 X BCC Silver Dust sample set / 8 chips / $18
@bivey (post#78)
Toby: Sorry, gone

1 x BCC Fun Nite sample set / 5 chips / $8
@CdnBeerLover (post#10)

1 x EPT ceramic sample set / 6 chips / $8
@CdnBeerLover (post#10)

1 x ASM Vorshay's sample set / 6 chips / $12
@Joe Harris (post#132)

1 x ASM Siam Imperia sample set / 5 chips / $14
@mipevi (Thank you Mel)

1 x Paulson Empress sample sets, primary and secondary / 12 chips / $22
@atomiktoaster (post#54)
Don Clay dibs if atomiktoaster wthdraws

1 x Paulson Terrible Lagrance, MO sample set / 5 chips / $14
@leo822 (post#12)
@David O (post#17) and @slisk: Leo made a grab already in post #12.
You guys able to sort this out? Oh, just saw Leo's post #42.
You're awesome guys :)
AWenger: Sorry, these are gone

1 x Paulson NPS sample set / 7 chips / $14
@CdnBeerLover (post#10)

1 x Paulson Argosy tournament sample set / 6 chips / $14
@TheBigTater (post#129)

1 x BCC Lady Luck Club cash sample set / 5 chips / $12
@manamongkids (post#9)
@abby99 manamongkids has a grab, can you sorten this out? Marsha would like to buy
her samples back. Are you willing manamongkinds?
Ben: Sorry, gone
BNM: Sorry, gone
Toby: Sorry, gone

2 x ASM/CPC Lady Luck Club cash sample set / 6 chips / $15 per set
@manamongkids (post#9 and again post#95)
@abby99 manamongkids has a grab, can you sorten this out also?
AWenger: I think these are taken, sorry
Ben: Sorry, gone
BNM: Sorry, gone

1 x ASM Hungry Frog tournament sample set / 7 chips / $18
@Jeff (post#14)
loul13: second dibs
spikeithard: yepp, too late Sir
Ben: Sorry, gone

1 x CPC Maggini's Poker Room / 4 chips / $13
@RainmanTrail (post#87)

1 x CPC Deja Vu sample set / 5 chips / $14
@Jeff (post#11)

1 x CPC Gemini sample set / 4 chips / $13
@Jeff (post#11)
AWenger: Sorry, these are gone

1 x Matsui Tournament Poker sample set oversized / 6 chips / $20
@stocky (post#117)

1 x Matsui Tournament Poker sample set oversized glossy red / 6 chips / $20
@DMZ (post#40) glossy

1 x Matsui Tournament Poker sample set / 6 chips / $18
@stocky (post#117)
Rainman Trail: Sorry, you had post #87, but you did not defined glossy or not

1 x Matsui Tournament Poker sample set glossy red / 6 chips / $18
@BNM (post#115)
Rainman Trail: Sorry, you had post #87, but you did not defined glossy or not

1 X BCC Blue Ridge Poker Room sample set / 13 chips / $26
@Ben (post#112) Congratulations

1 x ASM California Club sample set / 6 chips / $15
@pltrgyst (post#20)
bivey: Sorry, will go to Larry
Ben: Sorry, gone

1 x BCC Grand Cardroom edgespotted sample set / 6 chips / $15
@Split (post#16)
Payback: Sorry, Split took 'em
BNM: Sorry, gone

1 x ASM/CPC Kings Club sample set / 6 chips / $18
@Joe Harris (post#27)
AK Chip: Sorry, these are gone
Ben: Sorry, gone

1 x BCC Monterey Club sample set / 6 chips / $20
@Split (post#16)

1 x CPC FDL solid sample set / 8 chips / $14
@BNM (post#115)

1 x BCC GCOP sample set / 9 chips / $25
@Split (post#18)
David O: Sorry, Split already grabbed them
Ben: Sorry, gone
BNM: Sorry, gone

1 x BCC Suicide King Club sample set / 9 chips / $25
@Joe Harris (post#19)

1 x BCC The Capital Room sample set / 7 chips / $20
@Joe Harris (post#19)
72o: Sorry, Joe snagged them
slisk: Sorry, Joe's
Ben: Sorry, gone

1 x ASM Scratch House sample set / 7 chips / $18
@Jeff (post#15)
Ben: Sorry, gone

1 x ASM/CPC Black Cat club sample set / 10 chips / $22
@jja412 (post#44) Yay or Nay? What did you mean by relinquishing these?
@Ben: Sorry, gone maybe. jja412?
@Toby Guys, what do you wanna do? Toby is the owner and
he would like to buy the samples back?

1 x ASM/CPC Bel Air sample set / 6 chips / $15
@AK Chip: passed to @atomiktoaster
RainmanTrail: second dibs
Ben: Sorry, gone
BNM: Sorry, gone

1 x BCC Huntley Lodge sample set / 11 chips / $22
@Psypher1000 (post#22)
Ben: Sorry, gone

1 x BCC Mardi Gras sample set / 12 chips / $26
@TheBigTater (post#129)

1 x Paulson PCA secondary sample set w/primary $1 / 5 chips / $22 per set
@Psypher1000 (post#22)
Godzilla28: Sorry, all PCA's are gone

1 x Paulson PCA secondary sample set w/primary $1 / 5 chips / $22 per set
@Dwight87 (post#57)

1 x Paulson PCA secondary sample set w/primary $1 / 5 chips / $22 per set
@Dwight87 (post#57)

2 x ASM/CPC Suicide Queen sample set / 6 chips / $16 per set
@72o (post#31) One for you
@inca911 (post#36) and one for you. Thanks Mark :)

1 x CPC Boulevard sample set / 5 chips / $16
@jja412 (post#44)
Toby: Sorry, gone

1 x CPC Sunset sample set / 5 chips / $12

1 x miscallaneous chip lot (PCA + Nevada chips) / $40
@Dwight87 (post#57)

1 x CPC Hitching Post sample sets, cash and tourney / 11 chips / $30
@AK Chip: passed to @loul13. Loul, you got it :)
Don Clay: dibs if loul withdraws

1 x CPC Brett's Casino sample set / 5 chips / $15
@AWenger (post#41)
Ben: Sorry, gone
BNM: Sorry, gone

1 x CPC Gambling Ladies sample set / 5 chips / $14
@Jeff (post#15)
bivey: Sorry, will go to Jeff

1 x Paulson Grand Cardroom sample set / 5 chips / $12 per set
@DMZ (post#40)

1 x Paulson Grand Cardroom sample set / 5 chips / $12 per set
@MillyS (post#105)

1 x Paulson Grand Cardroom sample set / 5 chips / $12 per set
@BNM (post#115)

1 x Paulson Grand Cardroom sample set / 5 chips / $12 per set
@BNM (post#115)

1 x Paulson Grand Cardroom sample set / 5 chips / $12 per set
@BNM (post#115)

miscallaneous chips (GV and stuff) / $30

1 x CPC Zombie Poker Club sample set / 6 chips / $16
@Mr. Cheese (post#55)
Don Clay if Mr. Cheese withdraws

2 x ASM/CPC Astro Lounge sample set / 6 chips / $15 per set
@BNM (post#115)

1 x CPC Krony's Card Room sample set / 5 chips / $14

miscallaneous chips 618'n stuff / $25
@madforpancakes (post#94)
dany626. Sorry, this one is gone

1 x ceramic Nine Dragons sample set / 12 chips / $12

1 x GOCC ceramic sample set / 6 chips / $6

1 x PGI ceramic End of Game sample set / 8 chips / $6

1 x ceramic Aviator Club sample set / 9 chips / $10

1 x CPC Exit Only cash and tourney sample sets / 12 chips / $30
@slisk250 (post#46), with the original price. Can't recall it now.
Adding it to Leo's order.
liftapint: Taken. Will go back to Mike

1 x ASM Three Putt Poker sample set / 6 chips / $18
@72o (post#39)
liftapint (post#75) Sorry Mel, I had this wrong at first
BNM: Sorry, gone.
Thanks Toby :)

1 x CPC Copperhead Road sample set / 4 chips / $12
@Mr. Cheese (post#99)
Toby: Sorry, gone

1 x CPC Blades sample set / 5 chips / $14
@TheBigTater (post#129)

1 x Pat's Poker Room sample set / 5 chips (+extra) / $12
@AK Chip (post#34)

1 x CPC Donkwoods sample set / 4 chips / $12
@bivey (post#80)

1 x Vineyard $100 / 1 chip / $10
@Gear (post#72)
Quicksilver-75: Sorry, Gear was first

1 x ASM Shark Club no mold sample set / 5 chips / $10

1 x ASM Club Courage sample set / 4 chips / $12
@manamongkids (post#29)
AK Chip: Yepp, just one post too late ;)
Toby: Sorry, gone

1 x ASM Yoshi's samples / 3 chips / $9
@72o (post#39)
bivey (post#80)

Not much left. Marked AVAILABLE with green. Will update the OP shortly.
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