So you agree that it's political.
Look, I like the chip.
I like Yang.
Personal preferences aside, if this were "spend a buck to support dumb-ass, hate-crime supporting, hush money paying to porn stars you slept with while your wife was pregnant while being supported by the Moral Majority, Russian-hacker backed, internet trolling, personal profiting off your tax dollars Trump thread", I'd also suggest it be moved.
But really, Yang is also trolling the starry-eyed dreamers. Congress will never support $1000/per person payouts. It wont even support a $1000 per person tax break. Then there's internet poker. Buried in the legislation of the individual states now, it has only been legalized in 5 states. Legalized marijuana has more support than poker, because they have across the isle support. Meanwhile, online poker is stalled because of Sheldon Adelson (CEO of Sands, and owner of the Venetian), one of the largest supporters of the Republican party.
So support Yang for whatever reason you like, but not because of free money you will never see, and not because you want to play online poker because you still won't.
Note: I'm not making it political. The OP did that in his opening line.