Navels, windwalker, spacemonkey420, and kifer are in a gentleman's agreement on the find. They're all in a race to her place (no flying allowed), and the first one to arrive gets to buy them.
Kifer is currently closest, but he keeps needing to stop for puppy pee breaks. We think spacemonkey is next closest, but we can't really tell. He's posting confusing posts while apparently driving 90, we need someone to decipher his SpaceMonkey language. Navels is definitely pulling up the rear, but he's made about 20 other finds so far along the way, and is almost out of room for chips in the van anyways. Windwalker hasn't left the penthouse yet, but he did just buy 3 storage containers that were previously in this lady's name, so we're waiting to see what chips are in there.
Tune in tomorrow to see what zany adventures are in store for this quartet.