For Sale Auction PCA President Casino on the Admiral 700 chips (1 Viewer)

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So I have had several PMs from people who have less then 25 posts here but who are active members on CT and other forms.

I put that Rule in to protect me from people like on eBay who may have zero feedback.

I'm going to remove that stipulation and allow anyone to bid. It will be on me if I get burned.

@Yorke JI since I canceled your bid I will give you a chance to replace it if you would like.
Thank you mate. But I have bought a Paulson Classic set on eBay. I do want to take your set, but now my budget is not enough. Sorry.
Gorgeous chips. GLWS. Prices are out of control. Wonder what I'd get for my 500 Olivia's?

There's one way to find out...;)

There is another option :whistle: :whistling:

Thanks Dave, very happy to have them. I figured there will be more action but I guess all the pockets are empty with the high level of classifieds lately :)
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It blows my mind that these go for less than a set of Grand Vics. I don't understand what people like about those.
My first set of Paulsons will probably be either a set of these or Avalon Clubs
Are RHC not worth as much on the market, or just not your preference? Or both...

Both.....because it seems like most people like the THC mold better, the prices for RHC are less (ie Indiana Aztar prices are way less than Missouri Aztar prices)
RHC is a terrible design. This mold just doesn't look good and fleabites on used sets are really off-putting, which is something you won't see on THC sets. I once had PNY, Bahamia and Grand Vic sets, but now it's THC only for me.
It blows my mind that these go for less than a set of Grand Vics. I don't understand what people like about those.

For me, it's the spectacular colors of the secondary $5 -- best $5 colors ever, IMO.

And the fact that I like the GV 818 secondary $25's colors a lot more than the Aztar $25, while the PCA $25s leave me cold.

I have both sets, but if I had to choose, it would be the GVs. YMMV, and obviously does. :cool:
It blows my mind that these go for less than a set of Grand Vics. I don't understand what people like about those.

If they do, that would have to be directly proportional to the number of $1s in the set - there were an absolute shitload of mint PCA secondary $1s sold, and they have always been very cheap compared to the average price for mint casino Paulsons. By contrast the Grand Vic $1s have always been pretty scarce in comparison to the number of $5s and $25s out there, and have always commanded a premium.

Both sets are very nice, but I think PCAs are generally considered distinctly more popular/desirable than Grand Vics. PCA $5s and $25s are and always have been worth quite a bit more than their Grand Vic counterparts.
Are RHC not worth as much on the market, or just not your preference? Or both...

Prices of RHC are not inherently less.. prices just depend on the set (rarity, demand, design, condition etc.).
Some of the most expensive sets are on RHC.. Vineyards, PNY, etc.
I like RHC, SCV and LCV (in no particular order). It all depends on the colors and inlay. If you like large inlays, RHC is your only real option.
Everyone is entitled to their likes and dislikes, but you can get flea bites on any Paulson mold.
The PCA secondary $1s are great chips.. I like the look, weight (mine average over 10 grams) and they stack extremely well. But someone else might hate them.
I actually prefer the look of the primary 1 PCA chip, you don't see those edge marks on 1 dollar chips often. I would have preferred a smaller inlay but its just fine as is.

As I've said before, those secondary 5's look a lot like the old Caesar's Palace 5 dollar chips from the early 90s

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I LOVE the colors on the GV secondaries. I think the inlay could have been better, but even with the inlay, I would have kept a boatload of them...if not for the RHC mold.
I LOVE the colors on the GV secondaries. I think the inlay could have been better, but even with the inlay, I would have kept a boatload of them...if not for the RHC mold.

Ya, that's what I dislike about the GVs. That inlay makes me cringe. Brown Indiana sunset over what appears to be a muddy river? Nah, I'm good. I'll stick with my Pick Hobson TRKs for the same price! :)

I honestly don't even notice the chip colors because that inlay is so tilting. And that's much too high a price for a chip for me to want to label over it.

I think I'm just too picky with inlays. It's the main reason I hate so many sets. I feel like the grinch of the chipping world sometimes lol.
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