OK, just to get on the list, I'm going to order enough for sample sets of BTP and Binion's. I may still bump up one or both to a full set.
Everyone, please don't fill up my inbox with requests for sample sets. I'll handle that later in a separate thread.
Big Top Poker - x25 of every chip
$.25- _______
$1- _______
$2- _______
$2.50- _______
$5- _______
$20- _______
$25- _______
$100- _______
$500- _______
NCV- _______
Horseshoe Club - x25 of every chip
25c x _____
50c x _____
$1 x _____
$5 x _____
$25 x _____
$100 x _____
$500 x _____
$1000 x_____
$5000 x _____
$25,000 x_____
Looks like there are ten chips in each set, so that's 500 total chips.
EDIT: If you think you might want a sample set, click the "LOVE" emoji on this post. That will let me track the amount of interest until I get a thread up later. DO NOT PM ME or DERAIL this thread with posts requesting to be included. If you do, you will be BARRED from being included.