Other than the custom felt, all the other materials just arrived and it's time to start assembly... redefining the term "some assembly required"
I've come up with several ideas on how to make this, and I've settled on a plan to do it quickly and efficiently within my capabilities...
Step 1: Assemble Components
I rented a panel van from Home depot and got myself two 4'x8'x3/4" plywood sheets (since that ain't fitting in my Accord...) along with two 2"x4"x96" studs that will be part of the interior of the table. The foam and suede rail came in from YAT today (incredibly fast shipping... highly recommended). Everything else I pretty much got off of
Amazon... Total cost of materials for this build was $650 (241 of that was the felt, so honestly it's an incredibly cheap build if I manage to pull it off...)
Step 2: Trim Plywood To Size
This table is going to be 7'x4' rounded oval, so we have some material to get rid of... this was helpful because I was able to pick an otherwise really nice sheet of plywood with a crack at one end because i'm taking a foot off one end anyways... I measured it and cut out the two pieces with my jigsaw, using the first cut piece as a template for the other to make sure both are the same dimensions...
Once this thunderstorm passes, I'm going to use a cutout tool with a 1/8" spiral bit on both pieces of plywood at once.. the reason for this is rather nifty... the bit will cut all the way through the top layer of plywood to separate the rail sheet from the playing surface sheet.... the bit will also cut about 1/8" into the bottom layer of plywood (the table base) and create a groove for the acrylic sheets to sit in... lastly, the above tool will cut a second groove just inside the edge of the table base for the outer acrylic loop...
Speaking of acrylic, I ordered a 24" x 36" white 55% translucent acrylic sheet from
Amazon which I calculated to give me enough 2" strips to do both inner and outer loops... I did a quick test if its light-diffusing capabilities with the LED light strips I'm going to be using and the results are fantastic...
I also took a moment to check on the epoxy resin pour for the base's centerpiece and I love the color and pattern I was able to get out of it so far... 2 more days and we can crack the mold open and see how successful this has ended up being!
More updates to come as the build continues!