BACK ON! - Imperial Plaza Resort - Official Group Buy Now Open!! (5 Viewers)

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That's not a problem. Those who are in it already can modify their purchases up or down. Just not too far up, please, I only have so much moolah.
Is the issue that you are fronting the cost of this? And if so, why? Isn't it typical that participants of a group buy pre-pay for the production cost of their order at the time the order is placed?
Is the issue that you are fronting the cost of this? And if so, why? Isn't it typical that participants of a group buy pre-pay for the production cost of their order at the time the order is placed?

If it's actually the Vendor that is running the Group Buy (such as the Prestige GB handled by SunFly), then yes, this is how it could work.

If it's a member that is running the Group Buy, then often it is handled as a single transaction between provider and purchaser, who pays for everything and arranges for delivery of everything. Then, money is collected from the individuals when the order gets divided up and the full acquisition costs are known.

I'm less worried about being stiffed from a GB member than I am about putting a huge dent in my PayPal to the point where I lose the opportunity to purchase other chips for a while.
If it's actually the Vendor that is running the Group Buy (such as the Prestige GB handled by SunFly), then yes, this is how it could work.

If it's a member that is running the Group Buy, then often it is handled as a single transaction between provider and purchaser, who pays for everything and arranges for delivery of everything. Then, money is collected from the individuals when the order gets divided up and the full acquisition costs are known.

I'm less worried about being stiffed from a GB member than I am about putting a huge dent in my PayPal to the point where I lose the opportunity to purchase other chips for a while.
Just doesn't seem right. It wasn't your buy, you stepped in to save it. You shouldn't also be put into a financial bind. I'm certainly willing to pay upfront for my small order, and I suspect most here would feel the same.

Are the rest of you with me? Let's pay for our orders up front so Jeff's not out the cash waiting on the chips to be delivered. Sorry if this breaks protocol, but it seems like it's a unique situation.
I have no issue with sending advance payment for a group buy purchase -- that's standard operating procedure.

Typically only vendors will sometimes collect after product is ready for delivery -- I think @allforcharity has the protocol backwards. Volunteer gb organizers are not expected to front costs, ever.

Okay, now that the tournament prototypes are done, let's try to finalize orders. Let's leave it up to end of day next Wednesday, Sep 16 for anybody to change the quantities of what they've ordered or to jump in with their new order.

For anybody that's ordering 100 chips or more (total), I will be asking for an initial deposit, with the balance to be paid off once chips are received and final shipping/reshipping costs are known. Those that have less than 100 chips in their order will pay one time at the end.
Ok these look pretty good. Guess I’m back in.

T25 x 120
T100 x 120
T500 x 70
T1k x 80
T5k x 60
T25k x 20

1 of each DB if possible.

Can send full payment on Wednesday.
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Orders must be in by end of day Wednesday Sep 16, 2020. I will update the order quantity table here sometime on Thursday and formally place the order with SunFly by this weekend. I will be making private conversation threads for each person. Only those ordering 100 or more chips will be required to make an advance payment of 50 cents per chip. Balance of chip costs and shares of shipping costs will be worked out later.

The important thing is to get in your order NOW if you want to participate. Fair warning: when this closes then it is CLOSED. Not re-opening for anybody under any circumstances once the order has been placed with SunFly.
I am in - - - I find that I actually don't have enough chips, not nearly enough to run a nice game.

155 x $0.25
355 x $1
305 x $5
105 x $25
105 x $100
one of each dealer's button < I swear I already ordered these, but I can't find any proof that I did >

total of 1,025 chips and two dealers buttons.
Can these be relabelled? I really like the set but the 25C and the 5$ are really close with my eyes.
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