This is a great debate!
I am not opposed to making a profit on chips sold at market value, but Jim still has some chips to sell, and he's not even shipped the entire pre-sale order yet. With the ink STILL wet on the pre-sale, I think it's poor form to then offer these up at a 100% markup to fellow chippers. Is there an official law or rule against it (no), but it shouldn't be considered kosher to do so. In the past, it's been seen as douchey, but with people seeing others doing it lately, it's almost like it's becoming acceptable now? At the very least, it generates bad karma. And trust me, to those that are doing this, many are taking notice.
I don't speak for everyone here, but I know I'm not alone in my opinion: That when people buy these in huge quantities expressly with the intent to immediately flip for a profit, it seems a bit douchey.. Now, granted, one of the reasons we buy chips is that they're not a bad investment. They often times increase in value. You buy a set, then see another set you like, then sell the first set to fund the second set. Rinse, repeat. I get that...
But when someone buys crazy quantities of a TCR sale, it denies many in the chip community the opportunity to get in on the deal, so that negates the argument that everyone had a chance to get the deal from TCR...
It's kinda like the Walmart argument... Walmart is buying in crazy quantities, which squeezes out the little guy just trying to get his small share of the market. Is it illegal? no, but it's not being a good contributing member of the chip community IMHO. You just have to ask yourself, is this a community that cares for each other, or preys on each other?
IMHO If sellers wait a respectable amount of time after The Chip Room sale, then you go get your dollar bro!!!