Aligning satellites...

Using the barometric pressure from -3.8765, -52.5623 as secure FIPS-140-2 seed...
-> The following 56 members would like to play:
jpietrella, Okku, Glacier, Northern Paladin, grantc54, Boother36, RadicusScout, wmaddix, Tonysquander, BamaT8ter, Thomacetti, Highli99, ChipFinderSK, LeLe, ChipRocker, GOBLINxKING, harrysallout, dmoney, ktran, TheOffalo, RowlettTexasChipGuy, Suited Connector, allforcharity, MemphisFats, Laker285, Statesvegas, TheLemursReturn, arch3r, mugenpowr, Poker Zombie, Marius L, Isufiji, BEANO52, cmbird23, Anthony Martino, liftapint, BiGGyT, jbriod, justincarothers, NotRealNameNoSir, mburnznj, inapinch, bernielomax, Teach42, calfdemon, Mrs Poker Zombie, surfik, Irish, DeusEx, dukeshow33, Colquhoun, Gubbins, TX_Golf_N_Poker, DontKnowWhen, Grimace, WedgeRock
There will be 3 tables in this giveaway...
Choosing players for table 1:
Seat #1 was filled by
@BamaT8ter! There are 55 PCF members left and only 9 seats at the table...
Seat #2 was filled by
@ktran! There are 54 PCF members left and only 8 seats at the table...
Seat #3 was filled by
@mburnznj! There are 53 PCF members left and only 7 seats at the table...
Seat #4 was filled by
@justincarothers! There are 52 PCF members left and only 6 seats at the table...
Seat #5 was filled by
@TX_Golf_N_Poker! There are 51 PCF members left and only 5 seats at the table...
Seat #6 was filled by
@liftapint! There are 50 PCF members left and only 4 seats at the table...
Seat #7 was filled by
@Okku! There are 49 PCF members left and only 3 seats at the table...
Seat #8 was filled by
@ChipFinderSK! There are 48 PCF members left and only 2 seats at the table...
Seat #9 was filled by
@RadicusScout! There are 47 PCF members left and only 1 seats at the table...
Seat #10 was filled by
There are 46 members left but don't worry, there are still empty tables to fill!
Choosing players for table 2:
Seat #1 was filled by
@Mrs Poker Zombie! There are 45 PCF members left and only 9 seats at the table...
Seat #2 was filled by
@BEANO52! There are 44 PCF members left and only 8 seats at the table...
Seat #3 was filled by
@cmbird23! There are 43 PCF members left and only 7 seats at the table...
Seat #4 was filled by
@Machine! There are 42 PCF members left and only 6 seats at the table...
Seat #5 was filled by
@harrysallout! There are 41 PCF members left and only 5 seats at the table...
Seat #6 was filled by
@Northern Paladin! There are 40 PCF members left and only 4 seats at the table...
Seat #7 was filled by
@Isufiji! There are 39 PCF members left and only 3 seats at the table...
Seat #8 was filled by
@Marius L! There are 38 PCF members left and only 2 seats at the table...
Seat #9 was filled by
@Thomacetti! There are 37 PCF members left and only 1 seats at the table...
Seat #10 was filled by
There are 36 members left but don't worry, there are still empty tables to fill!
Choosing players for table 3:
Seat #1 was filled by
@WedgeRock! There are 35 PCF members left and only 9 seats at the table...
Seat #2 was filled by
@Colquhoun! There are 34 PCF members left and only 8 seats at the table...
Seat #3 was filled by
@dmoney! There are 33 PCF members left and only 7 seats at the table...
Seat #4 was filled by
@GOBLINxKING! There are 32 PCF members left and only 6 seats at the table...
Seat #5 was filled by
@Suited Connector! There are 31 PCF members left and only 5 seats at the table...
Seat #6 was filled by
@jbriod! There are 30 PCF members left and only 4 seats at the table...
Seat #7 was filled by
@Irish! There are 29 PCF members left and only 3 seats at the table...
Seat #8 was filled by
@Tonysquander! There are 28 PCF members left and only 2 seats at the table...
Seat #9 was filled by
@Glacier! There are 27 PCF members left and only 1 seats at the table...
Seat #10 was filled by
There are 26 PCF members who didn't get a seat
I should be able to get table 1 setup and posted here today!
Edit: for my future sanity, here's what I used to scrape the names for the random drawing...
tidy --indent auto --quiet yes --show-errors 0 --show-body-only auto --wrap 0 --tidy-mark no -m page-1.html
grep "BearMetal Needs Chip Therapy" page-1.html -B5 | grep -oe data-lb-caption-desc=".*·" | sed 's/data-lb-caption-desc="//' | sed 's/ ·//'