BellaJO - CPC Cash game set - My first custom project! (1 Viewer)

Final design decisions on spots and colors (expecting 1 answer by category A/B/C)

  • A-1 - Base color for $5 : DG Tiger

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • A-2 - Base color for $5 : Retro Red

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • A-3 - Base color for $5 : Mandarin Red

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • B-1 - Keep $1 and $5 as it is

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • B-2 - Trimoon on $1 / Keep 3T1316 on $5

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • B-3 - Trimoon on $1 / Down to 3D14 on $5

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • B-4 - Keep $1 / Trimoon on $5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-5 - Keep $1 / Down to 3D14 on $5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C-1 - Classic Bellagio Hundo

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • C-2 - 8D18 to propose a straight upgrade from 6D18 on $20

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • C-3 - Fancy 414418

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Excitement is growing fast !
After a huge opportunistic timing, FDL mold was installed right on par with my order and everything went so smoothly that my prized little chips should be arriving in... FOUR DAYS ! (December 14)

Dont know if I will be able to do the oiling session before Xmas but I wasnt expecting to post the first pics on this topic so soon ;)
I'm excited for you! I've been doing this a year now and still figuring out how to do a custom set that includes the family/my kids in it. Gratz on the little one and the associated chips.

If you happen to end up with an extra sample, I'd love one! Shipping would be just down the road.

They. Are. Heeeeeere !!!

I will do a propre pr0n for sure on a green felt once they are oild, but for now here are some sneak peaks for you.
I am just thrilled this is fantastic! They came out absolutely amazing for me I'm so glad I got my hands on a color sample beforehand.

DG Pink nickels will do exactly what they were ordered to do. A flashy sweet looking starter chip for blinds in micro stakes game. Nothing to fancy to eclipse the rest of the lineup, just a bright and fun chip. The pink even with the out of the box chalky finish is already vibrant; once oiled it will be killer for sure.

No surprise on the white 25c chip, it was my favourite and it came out absolutely stunning. Pure class in my eyes, blend of purple and pink is great, very glad I chose that combo for one of my soon to be workhorse chip.

The blue $1 is gonna be fire I think once I clean and oil them. The chalky aspect on the edges prevent them to show their true potential, but I believe those may even top the whites in my personal list once oiled. Again I'm so happy I was able to nail (at least in my eyes :p) the other workhorse chip of my lineup.

Reds are for sure a pleasant surprise. I had a lot of back an forth on this one with my wife, couldnt come up with a red combo with which I was fully happy, but those are way cooler than expected.
Yellows as well, as there are no really "good" yellows on the CPC sample. I believe this combo will do nicely.

Black hundos are no surprise. Classy copies from the Bellagio, the only exact copy of the lineup, cant go wrong and cant wait to oil the barrel to see the dark and deep black "shine".

Some pics from out of the packer, sorry no mail pr0n here haha :




Close up shots :






Right out of the box, minty chalky glow :)





And some family shots !
I'm excited for you! I've been doing this a year now and still figuring out how to do a custom set that includes the family/my kids in it. Gratz on the little one and the associated chips.

If you happen to end up with an extra sample, I'd love one! Shipping would be just down the road.


I got you Jeff no problem!
I counted all extras sent by CPC and I have enough to do 9 samples ! Got 4 reserved already so I have room for yours ;)
Oh and also a BIG BIG BIG shoutout to @dennis63 for his 67.7 racks!
Not only the sale was quick, nice and super effective, those racks are actually killer and perfect fits for my custom CPC.

Not even half a millimeter left, perfect fit, super happy thanks a lot !

And to celebrate, some more pics with.. racks :)


A splash ?
A real pr0n thread is on the way but let it be known that oiling is currently in process!!!
Soon I will be able to take proper pictures that will do these beauties justice.

The oiled / unoiled pic of $1 chips stack is coming right after a home game so its actually illustration of a "natural oiling process" after only one game haha. Good to know for people not inclined to go through the pain of a one by one oiling (which im doing).

Im also including a little pic of my stack for my very first home game with them. Lucky charm I guess cause I was in for 30€ and out for 142€! And yeah we were not playing on a felt my new table top is currently on the way.


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That canary/peacock/tiger combo looks a lot better than I expected. Rethinking my colors now.... thanks for sharing.

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