Big Set. Breakdown Suggestions? (1 Viewer)


Straight Flush
Aug 23, 2013
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I’m ordering a largish Set.

1600 chips seems to be my budget.

Needs to spread a meet up with three cash tables running. Likely stakes are $.25/.50.

Denoms include .25/1/5/20/100

I’m assuming 300 quarters minimum (one rack per table). And higher denoms will be more token (unnecessary except in the most extreme circumstances).

Here were my initial thoughts, but I’m open to changes.

300 x $.25
500 x $1
600 x $5
180 x $20
20 x $100 (likely never see the felt).

Granted, in an ideal world I’d have a few more racks of ones and fives. Finances won’t allow it. The set is already on the verge of eclipsing $5k. Yikes. And for 95% of my games, I’ll never have more than two cash tables running.
What starting stacks do you envision?

Ones are normally the work horse chip. At least at my game. At the meet ups it tends to be the five dollar chip lol.

I would be more comfortable with upping the 600 chip count slightly.

300 x .25
600 x 1
600 x 5
200 x 20
20 x 100
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What's the likelihood that two tables are playing 25c/50c and the other is playing 50c/$1 or $1/$2?

I think 100 quarters per table is a bare minimum, and I'd probably add *at least* one additional rack of quarters. That will give you the ability to give 12 quarters in each of the 30 starting stacks. I think @detroitdad is right with 600 x 1 as well. Now you're already at 1000 chips and you haven't even got to the fives yet...
What's the likelihood that two tables are playing 25c/50c and the other is playing 50c/$1 or $1/$2?

I think 100 quarters per table is a bare minimum, and I'd probably add *at least* one additional rack of quarters. That will give you the ability to give 12 quarters in each of the 30 starting stacks. I think @detroitdad is right with 600 x 1 as well. Now you're already at 1000 chips and you haven't even got to the fives yet...

I only use 100 x .25 per table and it works great.

If you need to cut expenses the quarters is where you start.
Assuming three full tables, you will want not less than...

100x frac
200x $1
200x $5

...per table. That makes it 300/600/600. Unfortunately that breakdown isn't particularly feasible with your chip limit unless you skimp on $20's and load up more hundos. The $1's shouldn't be skimped on for a 25c/50c game, so for three tables I think 600 is a true minimum. That means it's the $5's that need decreased a little, and that's okay. Your starting stacks will look something like...

x * 25c
20x $1
15/16x $5

So 480 $5's is sufficient for the initial buyin for 30 players.

That means your breakdown is as follows.

300x frac
600x $1
500x $5
160x $20
40x $100

The 160 $20's covers a second buyin for every player
The 40 $100's covers a third, with a few extra buyins to spare.

Again, unlikely that every player present goes three buyins deep, but in case things get nutzo, the above breakdown has you covered.

And for goodness sake, get some $100's to the table!
What's the likelihood that two tables are playing 25c/50c and the other is playing 50c/$1 or $1/$2?

I think 100 quarters per table is a bare minimum, and I'd probably add *at least* one additional rack of quarters. That will give you the ability to give 12 quarters in each of the 30 starting stacks. I think @detroitdad is right with 600 x 1 as well. Now you're already at 1000 chips and you haven't even got to the fives yet...
Ha! I was about to suggest going the other way. I think if necessary, you can run a game with 60 quarters per table. Especially if you’re on a budget and you’d only play the third table once a years. I’d dump a rack of fracs.
Ha! I was about to suggest going the other way. I think if necessary, you can run a game with 60 quarters per table. Especially if you’re on a budget and you’d only play the third table once a years. I’d dump a rack of fracs.

I think that is sage advice, as @detroitdad pointed out. If you have to trim, it only makes sense to trim out the fracs because 1.) you *can* get by with less, and 2.) if one table ups the stakes, you are only spreading the fracs over two tables.

My point was that an ideal set would include an additional rack of fracs. But with the 1600 chip limitation, I don't think you can go with four racks of fracs.

Plus, this will make a re-order a realistic possibility down the road. Win-win!
as @WedgeRock said, do you really expect all 3 table to play 25/50c at the same time?

I would expect 2 tables of 25/50c would be plenty and one table would be higher stakes of $1/1 or $1/2

Being able to cut a rack of fracs frees up a rack of $5’s

500 $1’s will be enough IMO. With 12 quarters per player in the 25/50c game so each player will get 17 $1 chips in their staring stack. That is enough per player.

Also do you really expect to get a full 30 players for a cash game?

The more $5’s you can get the better. You will need more of them anyways for when you have a 2 table game more than any other denomination.
I think you can get away with 100 quarters and 150 ones per table. After that, pump the fives. In our games, once the game gets rolling, the bets are mainly in $5 increments (yes, even in the $.25/$.50 games)

I started the 1st 5 players with 20/20/15, the next 2 or 3 buy-ins with 20x$1 and 16x$5, and then just pump $5's on to the table. Add another table, and you are at 200x quarters, and 300 x ones. Add a third table, and I am sure you can buy ones from one of the other 3 tables if needed.

That being said, I think your initial breakdown is exactly what I would get. with 2 tables, you *might* get a barrel of $20's in play, and the $100's won't see action until a healthy meetup (or the desire to get one into play). If anything, you could even do:

250 x $.25
350 x $1
800 x $5
150 x $20
50 x $100

or for the OCD minded
300 x $.25
300 x $1
800 x $5
160 x $20
40 x $100

@Trihonda - As others have pointed out, the odds of all three tables running full 25c/50c games simultaneously would seem to be low. It might be wise to consider the maximum stakes at which you normally host cash games at & ensure that this set can cover one table of those stakes, and could also cover two tables of 25c/50c (not doing the lower and higher stakes simultaneously, mind's an either/or). If a third table of the lower stakes is needed, just break out another set.

The only reason I can see that would force a single set to cover all three tables is if you had one dedicated cashier for the entire house. I can see some places wanting to do that, but for most casual situations such a practice would seem unnecessarily forced. Allow each table to cashier for itself & break out an additional set as needed.
The other thing to consider in these hypotheticals is that IF he ended up running one higher stakes table, it would eliminate the frac problem, but he wouldn’t have enough $5’s to cover the higher stakes table.
I think the best answer is that if you really think you’ll be running 3 cash tables at once (and for a bunch of chippers) you really want more than 1600 chips.
300 x .25
600 x 1
600 x 5
200 x 20
20 x 100

or do this

300 x .25
600 x 1
700 x 5
200 x 20

It goes over your chip budget. Not ordering any 100's will save you a bunch of loot. I'm guessing it will be a level 6+ chip?

As stated, either use your 100's from your benny set or the 100's from you Fat Tire Tourney set .
The other thing to consider in these hypotheticals is that IF he ended up running one higher stakes table, it would eliminate the frac problem, but he wouldn’t have enough $5’s to cover the higher stakes table.
I think the best answer is that if you really think you’ll be running 3 cash tables at once (and for a bunch of chippers) you really want more than 1600 chips.

Lol. Well you’re no fun.

Honestly, it’s feasible that 3 tables of low stakes could be running at once. The MTTD is pretty tame when it comes to stakes. I even believe the WCB has had three tables of .25/.50 running at once. As for the MTTD, the stakes are low, but we spread different games (NL vs PL games).

If we get guest sets in play, those are generally banked separately. I don’t think having the same set can have separate bankers on different tables

I think we need to plan on spreading three tables of .25/.50. If there’s a table that wants to spread bigger stakes, I’d recommend a guest set appearance.
I'm guessing it will be a level 6+ chip?

Level 10 (or 11). But only ordering 20 of them isn’t adding crazy $ to my overall cost. And considering that @Jeff wants me to order $500 chips, he’d kill me if I ditched the hundo. Lol
Honestly, it’s feasible that 3 tables of low stakes could be running at once. The MTTD is pretty tame when it comes to stakes. I even believe the WCB has had three tables of .25/.50 running at once. As for the MTTD, the stakes are low, but we spread different games (NL vs PL games).

There was a few times when there were four tables of .25/.50 games going on.

If we get guest sets in play, those are generally banked separately

Correct, anytime I've used my set at a meet up I've ran the bank.

I don’t think having the same set can have separate bankers on different tables

Completely agree. One bank per set, no matter how many tables are running with it. Otherwise your asking for problems. I know sometimes @inca911 will buy extra chips for add ons at the second table. However, he isn't "running the bank".
This breakdown brings you to 1600 chips, gives you plenty of bank, allows for 6 full racks of $5's, and supports three full-ring games of the following starting stacks:

8x 25c
18x $1
16x $5


240x 25c
560x $1
600x $5
180x $20
20x $100

(I would normally advocate for 540x $1 and 40x $100 to give you extra bank depth, but given that they're level 10 or 11, that money can probably be better used elsewhere - or saved completely.)
I'd suggest dropping one rack of $20 for an extra rack of workhorse $5 chips. I'd also change one barrel of the remaining $20 into $100s to ensure you have enough bank. $100s will get in play, just give it some time. When they do, they are often rebuy chips and the chip leader provides $100 in change. I've been thinking lately that $20s can almost be skipped entirely, but haven't reached the point where I'd recommend doing that just yet. It will probably happen.

300 x $.25
500 x $1
700 x $5
60 x $20
40 x $100
I like Bills breakdown with the exception that you have to have a few $100 and $500 chips for show. Another Hindi isn’t going to break the bank when you’re already spending your kid’s inheritance.
I have had 2 tables of .25/.50 running and went thru 200 x .25. 400 x $1. 600x$5 100 x $20 and 20 x $100.

i cant imagine being able to cover a 3rd table. I had to add on recently
I think we need to plan on spreading three tables of .25/.50. If there’s a table that wants to spread bigger stakes, I’d recommend a guest set appearance.

A meet up is certainly the exception, and a crazy thing to ask a set of chips to spread. I think having it achieve the minimum number necessary for three low stakes tables will be sufficient. For the majority of any games I host, the set break downs above will spread anything from low to high stakes games on a single table.

I also know that the set can be added onto at later dates, however, I understand there’s always a risk of slight color variations
I have had 2 tables of .25/.50 running and went thru 200 x .25. 400 x $1. 600x$5 100 x $20 and 20 x $100.

i cant imagine being able to cover a 3rd table. I had to add on recently

Yes, but you maniacs play a little differently than the a lot of us :) :)
I'd suggest dropping one rack of $20 for an extra rack of workhorse $5 chips. I'd also change one barrel of the remaining $20 into $100s to ensure you have enough bank. $100s will get in play, just give it some time. When they do, they are often rebuy chips and the chip leader provides $100 in change. I've been thinking lately that $20s can almost be skipped entirely, but haven't reached the point where I'd recommend doing that just yet. It will probably happen.

300 x $.25
500 x $1
700 x $5
60 x $20
40 x $100

Ding, ding, ding!!!!!

We have a winner ladies and gentlemen!!!

"IF" there is an absolute hard stop at 1,600 chips, for a possible 3 tables, I'd do the above. Better to have 800 chips per table imo.

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