SOLD Black Cat Club FDL tourney 10 and 11 chip sample sets (1 Viewer)

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Mandarin Red or Retro Blue?

@dr-octopuss - these are what remain:


NB Light Green has a loose inlay on one side.

Also have Dark Blue - not pictured
Chips received today. Blimey they're even better in person. I don't know how I'm going to accept Milano chips as my first real set now. These are a thing of beauty and will go down as my first sample set I've owned and will have pride of place in any display created.

Onwards and upwards...
Chips received today. Blimey they're even better in person. I don't know how I'm going to accept Milano chips as my first real set now. These are a thing of beauty and will go down as my first sample set I've owned and will have pride of place in any display created.

Onwards and upwards...

I'm glad you got them okay. Single chips are nice but racks and stacks are awesome!

Good luck on your chip quest!
Got my flip chips :)

Actually I am pretty sure they have been here since Saturday... my son walked down to get the mail and left it in a pile in the garage when he decided to shoot some hoops after walking back up to the house. Thanks again!
Chips received yesterday, thanks Toby
I have always admired the inlay theme and artwork on this set and they don't disappoint when you see them in person!
They also made me realise just how much I like the MD-50 mold
Chips received yesterday, thanks Toby
I have always admired the inlay theme and artwork on this set and they don't disappoint when you see them in person!
They also made me realise just how much I like the MD-50 mold

Glad they reached you safely! Thanks for letting me know!

Yeah, MD-50 is great. I'd have used it had it been available at the time.

Still, I needed an excuse to get the cash set made!
All sample sets spoken for and mailed out.

If you could let me know when you receive 'em, that'd be aces.

Thanks to everyone who took an interest. Your contributions will be funding a few racks of the MD-50 set, so thank you very much!
US sample sets have started arriving. Pls let me know once you get yours. :)
Just a reminder to post here or pm me once you receive your sample set, so I can update my records and submit trade feedback! :)

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