BryantRC's Rat Rod Set (under construction) (2 Viewers)

Been following your set. Been tempted to do similar now I'm starting to accumulate singles.

Am curious how you use the set. Cash? Tourny? What stakes? Any probs with chip security noticed? I guess in a way, if someone slips a chip in at least your set grows, right?
Been following your set. Been tempted to do similar now I'm starting to accumulate singles.

Am curious how you use the set. Cash? Tourny? What stakes? Any probs with chip security noticed? I guess in a way, if someone slips a chip in at least your set grows, right?
I have not put them in play yet but I plan to. It will be a cash set that can play anything from $.25/$.25 up to at least $1/$3. I have two other cash sets and my Rat Rod set will only be for special occasions with friends I trust. Many of these chips are worth FAR more than face value so my main concern would be chips being taken lol! If your goal is a playable set, there are far better ways to achieve that. If you enjoy searching for collectible chips and spending ridiculous amounts of money, you will love your Rat Rod journey! You will also learn a ton.
Here is an update of where I'm at on this project. This is just a snap shot in time. I've always got chips on the way in the mail. All of the numbers in parenthesis below the photos are the quantity of that particular chip. If there is no number in parenthesis I only have a single of that chip. If there is a number without parenthesis it indicates multiple versions of that casino chip.

I currently have:
20 Black $100s
76 Green $25s
200 Red $5s
183 Blue $1s
100 Yellow $.25s

All of the blacks are unique. All of the greens are unique. All of the reds are unique. I have duplicates in both my blues and yellows. I've got enough greens on the way to make 4 barrels. I'm trying to complete my 2nd rack of blues. That will give me a fairly well rounded 600 chip Rat Rod set. But I'm sure it will continue growing lol!
My ideal chip is a THC, leaded, shaped/textured inlay that is sharp, clean, bright. I'm very proud of my reds. I currently have only 3 very nice house molds and zero hot stamps in my two racks of reds. Not all of them are shaped inlay but all are leaded textured inlays. Many of the nicer chips I've "culled" are now in what I call my Rat Rod Bull Pen. At some point in the future if I go for a third red rack or a second black barrel they may end up back in the set. Or if I just need extra chips, I'll have them. Or I may end up selling or trading them eventually. Once I get my greens and blues rounded off, I'll post some full set photos. If you have chips that might work with my set, please reach out to me! Thanks to everyone who has helped thus far!
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And here are the Rat Rod Bull Pen chips.
Screenshot 11.png
Have you gotten the set in play much? As soon as I was playing mine I felt the need to make the colors match as much as possible. The variation in reds and greens was really tough. Takes a big bite out of the chip count and ya gotta get rid of some faves but I think it’s worth doing overall
Have you gotten the set in play much? As soon as I was playing mine I felt the need to make the colors match as much as possible. The variation in reds and greens was really tough. Takes a big bite out of the chip count and ya gotta get rid of some faves but I think it’s worth doing overall
I have not put mine in play yet. I have been very particular about colors. Especially on the light blues. There are many shades of blue $1s. I've culled blues that were too dark as well as a few that were too light. On the blacks I learned to avoid charcoal. On the yellows I avoid mustard. On the reds there are some orangeish and pinkish chips that I've culled. My greens have the most variation. As I gather more, I will cull the outliers. Can't wait to put this set in play. I don't plan to play it a ton though. I have a WTHC set that is my daily driver and I also have a Milano set. My Rat Rod set will be for special occasions with trusted friends. There are many individual chips in this set that are worth $50-$125.
Have you gotten the set in play much? As soon as I was playing mine I felt the need to make the colors match as much as possible. The variation in reds and greens was really tough. Takes a big bite out of the chip count and ya gotta get rid of some faves but I think it’s worth doing overall
It's hard to tell by the picks but the green Orbit Inn, King 1, Tropicana, and Dunes would be the first outliers to go.
I moved to a new house recently and have been very busy. I haven't had time to update this thread but I've been steadily building the set. I've got a very nice 600 chip cash set at this point with a bunch of extra "bullpen" chips. All of the black, green, and red chips are unique with zero duplicates. The blues have 102 unique chips with no chip having more than 4 duplicates. The yellows have 19 unique chips and I'm not expecting to ever have 100 unique lol. So that makes a total of 421 unique chips not including any of the bullpen chips. It is getting harder and harder to find unique chips that fit my set in good condition. I've really become very selective on what I pull the trigger on. The hunt has shifted from quantity to quality. There are many chips worth over $50. Some are over $100. I estimate the black barrel is worth close to $1000 by itself. I have yet to put the set in play but I hope that will happen soon. Thanks again to all the kind folks here who have helped make this dream a reality for me! Bryant

These are the "bullpen" chips.

These are a few of my favorites in the set.
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