Auction BTP Snappers (2 Viewers)

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They are. Strike my earlier comment. Just thought @Chippy McChiperson was the only one that had those chips. My mistake.

Primary and Secondary are probably not the right classifications. There were two versions of snapper, one was designed by Courage/Toby and the other designed by Chippy. I think there were only about 300 of the courage/toby version that were produced.
Yesterday I had 55s at least 4 times during a 6-hour session and every time either I raised to $55...didn't flop a set once. I am beginning not to like 55s anymore. And recently lost a whopper when I had 55s on a 1053 fu*& the 5s....

Shouldn’t it be all 6’s then?
Primary and Secondary are probably not the right classifications. There were two versions of snapper, one was designed by Courage/Toby and the other designed by Chippy. I think there were only about 300 of the courage/toby version that were produced.

@courage designed the spots and colors for the cash set, with the other snappers (which are also very nice). I wanted to do an alt limit set with my own snapper and 25, and the big bosses let me. 2 other people also bought some snappers, and I am the only one who has the alt 25s (barring 4 people who each have 1 for a sample).
I know it’s three chips and they’re beautiful, but for $20,000 a rack, I’d flip them like a mofo.

I still can't figure out if I made a good/bad decision not snapping up one of those BJ tables. With some custom cloth those could be real world beaters.
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