Can poker be fun if you never win? (1 Viewer)


Straight Flush
Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
Ellicott City, MD
So, general question. Can poker be fun if you never win. Yeah, I'm in the worst run of my life, and it just isn't fun any more. Seriously thinking about just giving it up. The family game I play in is so bad, it makes me hate the game that much more. Some of the regulars (none that are on PCF) are annoying me to the n'th degree. It just the same people plaYing all the time. I can't swing the casino games anymore.

I know... shut up, take a break, yadda yadda..
I'm not winning, all of the litthe shit at the table is driving me bonkers, and is on its last leg on my book.

So, when you aren't winning, is poker fun??

The vast majority of players are losing players. For most people it is their entertainment money. No more expensive than a dinner and some drinks out.

But if you aren't having a good time with the people you are hanging out with while playing, you may want to look into finding some other players to play with and see if you still find you feel the same way.

P.S. Dibs on chips if you quite :D
Short answer in no! It's no fun at all. I've taken a 6 month break before and it did me a world of good. Take the time to think about your weaknesses and when you go back to work on three or four specifically
It sucks. I was on a two year losing streak. It sucked. I scaled back, re-read some books and went back to ABC type poker.

Good luck.
The company is what make it fun or not fun. If you're loosing but the strategy/leveling is good that should be fun, too some degree. If you're losing and they group is boring, look for another game or take a break.
I took a long break and finally found a good semi regular game...but I usually win so I can't really help you
If the players and social aspect of the game you're playing aren't any fun, then you need to change to a game in which you at least enjoy the players' company.
As Rhodeman said, if you lose, consider it the cost of entertainment.

If you want to start winning again, take a break, read some books, watch some videos... yada, yada, yads
Sure poker can be fun without winning but any game gets frustrating to the losers if they never win. Social games played for micro stakes can be a great example of a fun game, win or lose.

Maybe a format change would help? Fixed limit or micro stakes spread limit tends to spread out the winning to a larger group. Same thing with some split pot games.

Bottom line is that these games should be fun. And if you aren't having fun somehow, someway then that is a big problem.

Then again. I've never really understood how I justify it. $25 buyin lost, no problem, never mind the $200 in liquor up in smoke. WTF....
Do you guys do any side bets? Bounty pots are OK but they naturally tend to be collected by those that make it into the later levels. We do a best hand of the night (boner) pot that everyone has to enter. Say it's a $20 buy in we tack on $5 for the best hand pot, so with eight players there's $40 that doesn't have to be split with anybody, so on a 70/30 split the boner is only eight bucks less than second place.

To place for the main pot you have to play well all night. To get the boner you just have to get lucky once and you don't have to make it into the later levels either. More than once we've had guys get a straight flush in the first or second round and bust out soon after but still walk out up $15 at the end of the night.

I personally don't play high stakes; 25 bucks for an evening of bullshit and beers is about right. It's comparable to going to a movie. If you're playing with obnoxious people then it sucks even if you are winning. If you've reached the point that it's genuinely not fun anymore no matter what happens I'd go with what others have suggested and take a break. Gambling is supposed to be enjoyable. If it's not the road ahead can be very dark.
Come play with me. I'm a terrible player. I will make you feel awesome!
So, when you aren't winning, is poker fun??

Only with good company. I play a fortnightly game which has a great group of guys. I don't mind if I bust out first or win.

Otherwise no, I'd rather stay home.
It's not fun if you don't win and with donkey calling stations at the table even worse. I don't care for the nights when I'm card dead and don't get to play many hands. The donkeys call the bluffs so you need to be patient.

It will turn around. Take a break, tighten up and go back to basics. I don't mind losing when the players are fun.
I don't know what stakes your playing at the moment, but if your not already try playing a smaller stakes, game where the money is not going to add stress to a losing night. It will also allow you to open up your game and donk around a little more and play some fun lots.

Other suggestions are to take a small break, learn a new game type, get a new group of people.

Even if you were playing professionally I seriously doubt it would be worth playing this game if you didn't enjoy it anymore.
In general, the fun you have depends largely on your expectations:

If I was a bazillionaire, I'd happily play vs. top pro's knowing I'd never win but enjoy the heck out of the experience and learning opportunity.
In my regular league games, we're more about beer with friends than serious play, and I have a great time, win or lose.
If you play in a serious game (i.e. played for profit, not for fun) with people you don't know or like, then the fun is going to be hard to find.

FWIW: I'm in the middle of an epic bad run myself and no, it really isn't any fun at all. However, I've only got a few more days until the Windy City Blowout and I fully expect to have huge fun win or lose.
On a downswing myself, but I play at levels I'm comfortable losing at, so it really doesn't bother me. plus, I only play in games I enjoy and miss out the ones I know suck, as there's nothing worse than playing with knobs.

Sounds like it's more the company that the losing that's getting to you.
If I'm building a game, I try to recruit decent folk who I get on well with. That way we enjoy hanging out irrespective of the wins/losses.

If you're playing online, be sure to check the game settings:


I had this switched on for 3 weeks solid.
So many factors involved.

  • Depends on the crowd, and how much you've lost in a given session. Afterall, what's a few hundred, between friends?
  • As for money, depending on the stakes, losing more than one or two MAX-buy ins can't be fun.
  • Also, how do you lose? If you're running bad, losing chunks of stack to River one/two-outers - definitely not fun. However, that's just poker, isn't it? If you're playing hands poorly, then the onus is on yourself, not the game.
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As others have said, the company makes a big difference and can either negate or cause further frustration. I think perspective and attitude has a lot to do with it as well though. I've tried to continually get better at thinking ahead, taking the "every hand starts at 0" approach, and not being results-oriented. I'm definitely not tilt-proof, but I think I've gotten better at accepting the volatility of the game and the fact that sick things happen every so often no matter how you play (and you have to appreciate this, even when on the receiving end of a beat, because that's part of the entertainment value that attracts so many players, particularly the long-term losing gambler types).

Whether I win or lose over the course of a session, I always try to reflect and analyze my decisions and think about how I can improve. I think this is partially the math teacher in me - I like to think of the game as an intricate puzzle with many variables, some of which I can interact with and some I can't, and how I can "solve" a certain hand, an approach against a certain player, or my overall strategy. It's also probably a little of the track athlete in me. When you're as mediocre as I was at it you focus more on self-improvement than actually winning gold medals. In a way I think I approach poker as a competition against myself just as much as the other players, and this gives me the ability to pat myself on the back when I played fine but still lost, or punch myself in the nuts when I know I played poorly but got lucky.

If you haven't been enjoying playing with a certain group lately I would say take a little break from that particular game, or maybe rethink how your strategy for that group might need to be tweaked compared to your default gameplan. Accept chance and be ready for sickness, but control the things that you can to the best of your abilities. Don't worry so much about winning and losing and concentrate on just playing better and making the right decisions, regardless of the outcome. When all else fails, watch bad beat videos of pros losing bajillions of dollars or think about all the other amazing things in life outside of this stupid game.
While there certainly moments that aren't fun (two outers come to mind), our local games are always enjoyable to me because of the company and atmosphere. I don't come expecting to win, (and rarely do, lol) just to have a good time. Casinos are different tho. If I go on a bad streak I usually just take a break for awhile. In addition to what some others have said, maybe try a different casino?

If I was playing in a strictly social game that wasn't enjoyable I have to say I'd find another.
Stop playing, learn to crave it again. If you don't crave it again, even better that you made the decision.

Your original post could be replaced with a girl posting about how bad her boyfriend treats her and whether she should still date him. You kinda answered the question yourself by making the post. The good news is that poker didn't sleep with your bestie and you have every opportunity to go back with a refreshed mindset and glimmered dreams.

You've made these comments for years BTW both in person and on the forum. So many people gave you suggestions about coaching and I'm not sure you've taken up on that. Specifically putting aside the best players in your games or at the casino and getting their feedback about your plays and hand histories away from the table. Even if you don't play with them anymore, putting together hands and getting feedback via email or txt or whatever may open some doors.
Stop playing, learn to crave it again. If you don't crave it again, even better that you made the decision.

Your original post could be replaced with a girl posting about how bad her boyfriend treats her and whether she should still date him. You kinda answered the question yourself by making the post. The good news is that poker didn't sleep with your bestie and you have every opportunity to go back with a refreshed mindset and glimmered dreams.

You've made these comments for years BTW both in person and on the forum. So many people gave you suggestions about coaching and I'm not sure you've taken up on that. Specifically putting aside the best players in your games or at the casino and getting their feedback about your plays and hand histories away from the table. Even if you don't play with them anymore, putting together hands and getting feedback via email or txt or whatever may open some doors.

On the subject of coaching, and your current rut, are you still playing mostly Holdem? Take up Omaha more seriously. Learning a new game from scratch might reinvigorate your interest. Get the Hwang books and start studying. Play the PLO games at Live.

You might continue losing for a while, but since you'll be learning, you should see steady improvement. Picking up PLO will also improve your Holdem game.
Stop playing, learn to crave it again. If you don't crave it again, even better that you made the decision.

Your original post could be replaced with a girl posting about how bad her boyfriend treats her and whether she should still date him. You kinda answered the question yourself by making the post. The good news is that poker didn't sleep with your bestie and you have every opportunity to go back with a refreshed mindset and glimmered dreams.

You've made these comments for years BTW both in person and on the forum. So many people gave you suggestions about coaching and I'm not sure you've taken up on that. Specifically putting aside the best players in your games or at the casino and getting their feedback about your plays and hand histories away from the table. Even if you don't play with them anymore, putting together hands and getting feedback via email or txt or whatever may open some doors.

Thanks for the input. Chippy and I talk mostly, but usually end late and don't talk long. I don't have email/Internet during the day to email others, and with active kid's, no free time.

Looks like I need a new thing..
Thanks for the input. Chippy and I talk mostly, but usually end late and don't talk long. I don't have email/Internet during the day to email others, and with active kid's, no free time.

Looks like I need a new thing..
stop playing with the SOHE world champion, thats enough to take the collective PCF bankroll. problem solved
I love ABC poker, Always Be Chasing...

That's how the deep stacks crushed me, with any two cards, one evening! I've lost £200, then £300 more in one evening, getting crushed playing TAG, after making my flop / turned premium hands! Yet, they're always chasing their own hand, because they can afford to get all my money in the pot, if I made my hand. Not fun. Must be nice, being able to buy-in £1k-max, on a £1/£2.

First hand ran twice (l lost both full board flips):

4/7 off vs my AA - ran twice

1st: (runner-runner trip 4s)

2nd: (runner-runner straight 3 to 7)

Second hand:

I raise UTG 5x pre-flop with AsKd offsuit to £10 with about another £60+ behind, expecting to move in soon...two seats over 3-bets to £20, BB 4-bets to £40. I 5-bet all-in with £70+, since there's money in the pot, expecting a caller from at least BB stack. 3-better folds, and BB calls..

Flip: 3h Th Ah Kh 10c

BB has Qh Ts, making the flush.

Just sick.
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I've been card dead and on the losing end of coolers for 2 years now but it's still fun for me.

It's not fun when I'm at the boat where I don't know anyone and don't talk to anyone.

Sat night at my game I lost $500 but had a blast. Losing end of set over set, KK against AK and flop brings a A, flopped 2nd nut straight only to get rivered by a bigger straight and a diamond on the turn gave me the nut flush but gave the other player a boat. All in one night lol but I've got a good group of guys and all we do is talk sh*t all night and bust each other's chops so it was still fun. If that was on the boat yeah I'd be swearing up and down but Sat I didn't give 2 sh*ts and just chalked it up to "that's poker". As long as I'm not playing above my means or gambling when I can't really afford it, I'll still look forward to playing.

It all went down hill after I won big in Vegas one night. It was a perfect night. I won almost every showdown and the majority of my bluffs worked, they were giving raffle tickets every time you won a pot and then every hour they were pulling $200 winners and I won at 4am and 6am.

Since then alllll down hill lol.

So, find a group that makes it fun to play and that'll make all the difference in the world. I've been in several games where the players drive me nuts so I stopped going.
Sorry Mark, just saw this thread. I think a couple things: playing one game (hold 'em) with the same people can get boring after awhile, especially if there are some in the crowd who mildly annoy you (or worse). That can fester. So you try to do different things to be creative and alleviate your boredom, and it backfires. Honestly if its all about winning, I know when you're on top of your game you're a winning player. Just go back to the standard nitty ABC poker and stop bluffing so much (or trying to draw out on people) and you should be golden. Whether or ont that's fun is another story, but at least you'll be winning. HOWEVER, if you want to have fun:

Host a microstakes mix game. .05/.10 mixed game with a $25 max buy-in. Invite only people you like. Dealer's choice: Drawmaha, BigO8, SOHE, etc. are all viable options. It will be a lot more fun, and not as detrimental to your bankroll if you lose. Plus you'll get experience playing those games for the meatups.

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