For those who think this is a new level of madness in chipping, you are probably right. Have you ever wanted something enough to get crazy and overpay? I'm sure I have before. I have other samples and singles... including my favorite (the Capitol City $500 pictured above - which I love even more than my Mapes $100).
I don't know everyone here, but I only know of two chippers other than the OP who own a single Capitol City $100. Poor
@RocAFella1 - who is no slacker at chipping - had a wanted out for this one lonely chip over a year ago. Still no chip.
I myself have wanted one for a long time but never had the opportunity before. So there it is, I decided to seize the day and bid Tree Fiddy. So sorry
@RocAFella1 and
@GianThaMan and everyone else who is lamenting the current state of the hobby.
I am fortunate to be capable of a bid like this - - pretty much for a single chip. But this set is also very special to me. There is no need to feel like a baller on this very obscure internet chip forum. That is all.