I think you're misremembering.
Here is the PM I received from you on ChipTalk on July 9, 2010 (pulled from my email since the PM is long gone from my inbox on CT):
Dear jbutler16,
You have received a new private message at Poker Chips-ChipTalk.net from ACE'S FULL, entitled "Re: ASM Sale/Black Sands".
To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here:
This is the message that was sent:
I can do that for ya. I wish I was in the position to add on. I would love to add my nickel and more quarters and $1's. Sadly thats not going to happen... UGH!! Let me know when you need/want to place order and I will do my part.
---Quote (Originally by jbutler16)---
Hey man,
I remembered we talked a few months ago about placing an order for some Black Sands add-ons and I thought this might be a good time with the 75% off solids sale going until the 20th. If you're willing, I'd be down for the following amounts:
60 (.25)
70 ($1)
150 ($5)
40 ($20)
30 ($100)
Whadya think? If not, no biggie - just popped into my mind when I saw the sale and realized I couldn't take advantage for my next order (sale is limited to 7/8" and 1" inlays and I'll be getting 1 1/16"

). Let me know!
---End Quote---
Again, please do not reply to this email. You must go to the following page to reply to this private message:
All the best,
Poker Chips-ChipTalk.net