Original post states we're all-in pre-flop.I have a hard time believing that. Do you have some statistical backup for that, or is this based on experience or guesstimation or what?
Are you assuming 8 random players who all call, regardless of what they hold, or 8 other villains who have reason to call?
Do you assume the hand plays out sanely from there, or are we just running the flop, turn, and River for everybody?
I just can't believe aces would hold up very often against 8 other random pockets.
vs 1 opponent (assuming random hands, but it makes little difference), we win 85% = +$85 on average
vs 2 it's 73% = +$147
vs 3: 64% ->+ $191
vs 4: 56% ->+$224
vs 5: 49% -> +$245
which is as many as my simulator allows...each opponent is making a decision profitable to you by calling & the bigger pots when you win against more opponents more than compensates for you winning less often.
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