For Sale Casino Royale sample set - Large (3 chips + 2 plaques) - CHARITY! (3 Viewers)

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Okay, folks, here we are with the tie-breaker round since there was a 3-way tie for 7th place. Same format, but there can only be one big winner from this group.


The board:

Thanks everyone for participating! I will send group PMs to all the category winners. Since I will need to calculate shipping (and box things up), please wait for instructions before sending any payments. Congrats to all! We just raised up to $460 for charity!
Okay, let's try to make some sense out of this. People, please double-check my interpretation

1Full boat: 4's over 2's@Chawks45
1Full boat: 4's over 2's@doublebooyah85
3Full boat: 3's over 4's@CrazyEddie
4Full boat: 2's over 4's@toothpic
4Full boat: 2's over 4's@sharik224
62 pair: 4's/3's@BlueChipSpecial
72 pair: 4's/2's with A kicker (TIE BREAKER ROUND)@dpeks13
72 pair: 4's/2's with A kicker (TIE BREAKER ROUND)@JustDave
72 pair: 4's/2's with A kicker (TIE BREAKER ROUND)@pluto
102 pair: 4's/2's with K kicker@JMC9389
112 pair: 4's/2's with Q kicker@Greenackers22
112 pair: 4's/2's with Q kicker@AlbinoDragon
132 pair: 4's/2's with J kicker@Suited Connector
142 pair: 4's/2's with 10 kicker@mnebesny
142 pair: 4's/2's with 10 kicker@JScott
162 pair: 4's/2's with 8 kicker@Ben8257
2's over 4's. Clues in the name.
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