Catagories of Poker Chips (1 Viewer)


Nov 11, 2017
Reaction score
Probably using the wrong terminology... I will explain and you can let me know what your thoughts are.

So as I have jumped into this Crazy :confused: World of Poker Chip Ownership...
I see so many different categories and I was wondering which ones are the most sought after? I'm sure that there will be different Views but I look forward to all of them... I will list a few or so and I would like to be corrected by the Smarter Wiser Chipsters on the site. Due to my lack of knowledge and proper terminology I will no doubt have to be corrected several times in what I hope turns into a decent round table discussion of this Wonderful Hobby, so I apologize up front for my ignorance.(n) :thumbsdown:

Ok... So we have the following...

1. Full complete sets of fantasy Chips... Pharaoh's, Nationals, Classics, WTHC, Etc.
2. Newer Full complete sets of real Casino Chips... Don't want to name any... would rather hear from you
3. Older Full complete sets of real Casino Chips... Kings Castle, love to hear from you guys
4. Mixed Franken Sets of real Casino Chips... Assuming these come to be because building a complete set of real casino sets are harder to accomplish unless you just have endless pockets or luck is on your side... your thoughts?
5. Custom personal re-labeled clay chips...Thoughts?
6. Custom personal made clay chips...Thoughts?

1. Set me straight on the categories if I'm missing some or I'm incorrect on terminologies...
2. Which categories are the most desirable and hardest to get / put together...want to hear what you think?
3. List your top 3's in the categories or more if you feel the need...

Hope to hear from you guys and if this is too much I'm sorry... Happy New Year to Everyone!!!

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Short-n-sweet.... ok that's a start!
So here goes me asking stupid questions
CPC is an acronym for...?
I must have started a thread that is like beating a dead
Classicpokerchips... got it!(y) :thumbsup:
4. Mixed Franken Sets of real Casino Chips... Assuming these come to be because building a complete set of real casino sets are harder to accomplish unless you just have endless pockets or luck is on your side... your thoughts?

It’s not necessarily just an availability thing. I built my mixed casino set by pulling together chips I really, really liked instead of having to just use the chips from a single casino. I think it makes for a more a creative and unique set rather than a ‘oh - there’s another x casino set.’

It doesn’t take too long before you start saying ‘I love the blue chip from this casino and the green chip from that casino and if I could only find a red chip that looks like this then I would have the most awesomest set of all time.’ Voila - your own unique awesome mixed set.

There are lots of examples out here of sweet mixed sets that members have built using their favorite chip combinations. IMHO, those sets are much more interesting and creative than just gathering chips from a single casino.
I agree and am torn in too many directions at the moment trying to decide what CHIPS to put together [that I can find of course] from what casino`s.
Is it considered a no no to relabel certain CHIPS for a personal custom set? In other words... are there certain chips that are coveted to the point that it would be a crime [in the eyes of Pcfer`s] to destroy them by relabeling?
Some may have been trying to build a certain old school casino set and have plenty of 1 or even 2 of the 4 or 5 that they need and just give up on the search and finalize the set out of the rest of their collection to have Gear relabel them?
Or do you mix old school coveted with new closed casino CHIPS and not relabel... What's more appealing to have the set relabeled or keep the nestalga of the casino in tact Even when the casino isn't well known?
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Lol... the only light I see has a big ASS train attached to it called "frustration" headed straight for my Face!!! Lol:cautious: No... my problem is that I strive to be a perfectionist... although rarely getting there it's how my mind works. I like to find the info and finish things quickly... I just have to know what the hell is going on before i do so. My wife calls me the fastest procrastinator in the world! Lol:whistle: :whistling:
This Damn Site is worse than Facebook for lonely people... it's like sex for men...(n) :thumbsdown: unless your married, then it's like NO sex for women:LOL: :laugh:!!! Sorry Truth Hurts!
Lol... the only light I see has a big ASS train attached to it called "frustration" headed straight for my Face!!! Lol:cautious: No... my problem is that I strive to be a perfectionist... although rarely getting there it's how my mind works. I like to find the info and finish things quickly... I just have to know what the hell is going on before i do so. My wife calls me the fastest procrastinator in the world! Lol:whistle: :whistling:
You can try to be a perfectionist but in doing so TAKE YOUR TIME! Take you time to enjoy what you are collecting and enjoy the ride. The are some sets that people have been putting together for years and they are still not complete. I have seen many chippers try to build the biggest and best set only to get discouraged because they have not completed their set in a month. Those that rush quickly lose interest. As the saying says, "Stop and Smell the Chips!". oops, I meant to say roses.

Anyway, once you find your path to collecting you can start zeroing in on what you want. I myself started collecting and collected a large set of GV primaries. I was so excited when I "finished" the set only to get bitten by the Las Vegas casino chips. My direction changed and I was now heading down a different, long and expensive road. This is when purchased my first set of 400 Tropicana 2nd edition chip set. I turned my attention to that set and Vegas chips. The Trop set is now over 1000 chips and I now have many Las Vegas racks in my collection. Some of these make up my Mixed Set. Some Vegas chips I just collect because I love the way they look.

My take on labeling chips is, they are yours, do what you want with them. Yes members will cringe when someone relabels certain chips and I am one of those. The bottom line is they are Your chips. It is just like if you owned a Lamborghini and decide to add or take something away from it to change its appearance to your liking. You probably destroyed the value of the car but it was to your liking.

Read some of the threads that Dave suggested and take your time to find your likes and dislikes. There are many directions that you can take but that is one of the things that make this crazy hobby fun!
I know it's not what you want to hear but no one has the magic info to get you a perfect set of chips right out of the box. And people work for many years to build and obtain some of these playable sets, they don't just fall out of trees.

Patience will be your friend (well maybe not in your case initially). Jumping in or rushing headlong into this hobby will/can lead to frustration & provide lots of expensive lesson. Heed the advice people are giving to take it slow. Search the forum (most questions have been asked many times over), then do a lot of reading/homework before diving in the deep end of the pool or be prepared to hit a lot of brick walls plus open & empty your wallet numerous times before your satisfied.

Good luck. :)

/end old geezer advice
I completely understand and agree... it's just HARD to Do! Lol so what is your most cherished set? Oh, and do you have any desires to adopt a fairly hairy middle aged white male in his mid 40's to leave all your CHIPS to when that time arrives...:whistle: :whistling:?
You can try to be a perfectionist but in doing so TAKE YOUR TIME! Take you time to enjoy what you are collecting and enjoy the ride. The are some sets that people have been putting together for years and they are still not complete. I have seen many chippers try to build the biggest and best set only to get discouraged because they have not completed their set in a month. Those that rush quickly lose interest. As the saying says, "Stop and Smell the Chips!". oops, I meant to say roses.

Anyway once you find your path to collecting you can start zeroing in on what you want. I myself started collecting and collected a large set of GV primaries. I was so excited when I "finished" the set only to get bitten by the Las Vegas casino chips. My direction changed and I was now heading down a different. long and expensive road, This is when purchased my first set of 400 Tropicana 2nd edition chip set. I turned my attention to that set and Vegas chips. The Trop set is now over 1000 chips and I now have many Las Vegas racks in my collection. Some of these make up my Mixed Set. Some Vegas chips I just collect because I love the way they look.

My take on labeling chips is, they are yours, do what you want with them. Yes members will cringe when someone relabels certain chips and I am one of those. The bottom line is they are Your chips. It is just like if you owned a Lamborghini and decide to add or take something away from it to change its appearance to your liking. You probably destroyed the value of the car but it was to your liking.

Read some of the threads that Dave suggested and take your time to find your likes and dislikes. There are many directions that you can take but that is one of the things that make this crazy hobby fun!
Btw just in case this makes a difference on your decision for the second question I placed... the time stamp of this post is my birthday... 10:11 1972... lol:ROFL: :ROFLMAO: coincidence... maybe or maybe not...(n) :thumbsdown: you decide!!!
I completely understand and agree... it's just HARD to Do! Lol so what is your most cherished set? Oh, and do you have any desires to adopt a fairly hairy middle aged white male in his mid 40's to leave all your CHIPS to when that time arrives...:whistle: :whistling:?
If this question was directed to me then here is my answer.
Most Cherished because my first Full Vegas set but the second and third picture are very close.

And favorite non playable set!

As far as adoption goes, you would be behind at least two of my three kids and yes my the boys know their values and my wife has a pretty good idea of their worth.

Good Luck with you future collecting

what is your most cherished set?
After having been in this hobby for many years, nearly every one of the sets that currently reside in the chip room are cherished. The others (some cherished, although to a lesser degree) have since been sold.

I think that's the long-term goal..... to end up with sets that meet the aesthetic, historical, and/or functional requirements of the owner. Some can do that with just one set. Others require several sets to accomplish it. And some require amassing really large quantities of chips and sets before determining exactly what those requirements are, and which set(s) meet them.

It's a journey, and definitely not a race.
I know it's not what you want to hear but no one has the magic info to get you a perfect set of chips right out of the box. And people work for many years to build and obtain some of these playable sets, they don't just fall out of trees.

Patience will be your friend (well maybe not in your case initially). Jumping in or rushing headlong into this hobby will/can lead to frustration & provide lots of expensive lesson. Heed the advice people are giving to take it slow. Search the forum (most questions have been asked many times over), then do a lot of reading/homework before diving in the deep end of the pool or be prepared to hit a lot of brick walls plus open & empty your wallet numerous times before your satisfied.

Good luck. :)

/end old geezer advice

See this and David o's info is the kind of stuff I needed to hear... hunker down, be patient, learn, buy what you like and build your own set! Btw I guess it's never really a bad investment because you'll either get all or most of your $ back once you find your direction out and then thin the horde of CHIPS down. (y) :thumbsup:
Thanks for the Great Advise guys
See this and David o's info is the kind of stuff I needed to hear... hunker down, be patient, learn, buy what you like and build your own set! Btw I guess it's never really a bad investment because you'll either get all or most of your $ back once you find your direction out and then thin the horde of CHIPS down. (y) :thumbsup:
Thanks for the Great Advise guys
Yes and just remember if you are truly looking at "investing" then you may want to try the Stock Market or some good financial vehicle. Chips do have value but it is not the reason a collector buys them. We buy because we love them and want to play poker with them.

Also, if you do buy a set or racks of chips and lets say that you you have them for a year. Let also say that you purchased them at $200 per rack. A year later you had to sell them and you cleared $188 per rack. All you need to do is think of it like this---- You rented those chips for $1 per rack per month! Always a bright side when you are a collector and not a chip investor!

Btw... Just in case there is any interest in the 2nd question offer that was presented to David O it is open to anyone on this forum that has a 10k chip count hord... and 250+ posts...Lol
Unless they are plastic:cautious: then it's a no go!
I don't know about cherish but my favorite sets are usually the ones that I'm currently working on building at the moment. I would say that of all my sets there are really only 2 that probably will never walk out the door.

1: My R&O Card Room set
My first real Paulson casino/cardroom complete set that I bought, it has been my main house cash set for many years and hold a lot of game play memories.Nothing fancy, and certainly not the prettiest of sets but they are kind of exclusive, likely the only playable set in existence (don't know that for sure but most likely)

2: My GCOP tournament set that was a WSOP tribute set group buy from back in 2011 (no gallery pics but easy enough to find other peoples pics by searching). The most fun I ever had taking part in building a set in a group environment.

I'm sure some of my chips will get passed down to my kids/grandkids. Whether they will care anything about them is another thing. Most will likely be sold off long before that time comes.
Yes and just remember if you are truly looking at "investing" then you may want to try the Stock Market or some good financial vehicle. Chips do have value but it is not the reason a collector buys them. We buy because we love them and want to play poker with them.

Also, if you do buy a set or racks of chips and lets say that you you have them for a year. Let also say that you purchased the them at $200 per rack. A year later you had to sell them and you cleared $188 per rack. All you need to do is think of it like this---- You rented those chips for $1 per rack per month! Always a bright side when you are a collector and not a chip investor!

Definitely not looking to try and turn profits on buying and selling CHIPS as a retirement option... I'm truly loving this new hobby... I do like to joke around a bit... makes things more fun for me between the lines! I was just saying that after I figure out my path, weather it's owning multiple sets or 1 truly perfect set I can thin out the horde a bit and still recoup most of the money invested getting there!

Just FYI...Still no takers on the adoption offer... So I'm still available ...:whistle: :whistling:
Definitely not looking to try and turn profits on buying and selling CHIPS as a retirement option... I'm truly loving this new hobby... I do like to joke around a bit... makes things more fun for me between the lines! I was just saying that after I figure out my path, weather it's owning multiple sets or 1 truly perfect set I can thin out the horde a bit and still recoup most of the money invested getting there!

Just FYI...Still no takers on the adoption offer... So I'm still available ...:whistle: :whistling:
I love joking around as well. FYI I am a Shrine Clown and have been for the last 17 years so I am very familiar with joking around.

As far as adoption goes, what can you currently add to my family that would sway me to start the adoption process?
If this question was directed to me then here is my answer.
Most Cherished because my first Full Vegas set but the second and third picture are very close.

And favorite non playable set!

As far as adoption goes, you would be behind at least two of my three kids and yes my the boys know their values and my wife has a pretty good idea of their worth.

Good Luck with you future collecting


Those all look like Treasures! Congrats!
VERY COOL Edge Sample Display!!!
I love joking around as well. FYI I am a Shrine Clown and have been for the last 17 years so I am very familiar with joking around.

As far as adoption goes, what can you currently add to my family that would sway me to start the adoption process?

Are you look in for a second Wife... I could through that into the pot...o_O:whistle: :whistling:(y) :thumbsup:?
Yea I might have been double dipping in that offer... if I think of anything else I will let you know! Lol

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