Auction Charity Auction (1 Viewer)

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Bill, I know we have been talking via pm but wanted to publicly thank you. You are among several members here that continue to rach out to me at various times just to see how I am doing. Damn this community is awesome. I have had some great days and some not di great days since Annette passed but your reaching out to me really helps.

Since you asked me to link my charityI thought I would put it here and maybe you can add it to the OP. Many of you know my philanthropy is the Shrine Hospitals but I am currently raising money for pancreatic cancer research in my wife’s honor. If anyone wants to read my page you can visit it at

My team is raising money and walking on November 17th. I am personallly to raising $500 but I set our team goal at $3000 which is $500 for each month of her battle. We are getting a pretty nice start and I may have to raise our goal.

Thank you Bill. I really appreciate the “hug” and please know I have been praying for your family!

You folks are awesome

David O
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The OP has been updated with the Charity link and additional prizes.

Current bid is 400. Plus 50 more from me.

Outside of @slisk250 and @mike32 I will have everyone ship directly to the winner of the charity please.
Bill, I know we have been talking via pm but wanted to publicly thank you. You are among several members here that continue to rach out to me at various times just to see how I am doing. Damn this community is awesome. I have had some great days and some not di great days since Annette passed but your reaching out to me really helps.

Its what friends do.
I'm finally getting through my PM's. @Seeking Alpha Social Club would like to donate some TRK's to the auction. Thank you sir.

98 Turquoise TRKs
55 Red TRKs

I have received private donations from a couple of guys to add to the charity donation. As of now, with my additional 50 bucks. We have a total of 175 on top of the winning bid.

You guys are crazy generous!

There are many asshats in the community, but far larger number of generous chippers. Always happy to contribute to charities, especially on behalf of a good fellow chipper. Wish you and your family well...

Chip Karma...Paying it forward...
Yes this is a wow. I will be sending the winner some items directly from me. You guys are something else. I am hoping that one day we can end this horrible disease.

Also make sure that everyone keeps Bill and Colleen in their prayers! If you are not one who prays please send him a bunch of healing light.

@David O

I also currently have 175 in my PayPal to add to the winning bid from a couple of different chippers
Yes I know, that is why I am speechless. There have been a few contributors as well. I am getting ready to up my personal goal for the event!

I really appreciate all of you doing this. You guys never cease to amaze me.

Here is a pic that I love! Some of the guys sent this to my wife's celebration of life. Two of my loves in this picture. My Spotted Bird and my beautiful Angel in Heaven!
Congrats and thank you @Steamtrain! Please pm me your address and I will send you some bonus items. I am including a spotted bird for a card cap. Yes, I know what many of you are thinking but I am going to release one to @Steamtrain. You know this is important to me when I am willing to release a spotted bird.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

David O
David this will push you over your 1k goal :)
Yes sir it will. I will be upping my goal so my friends here in Texas do not think they are off the hook! LOL:)

I really do appreciate all that everyone did for this walk I will be doing in November. As I stated in my pages welcome message. "Pancreatic Cancer needs to be cured and new treatments need to be discovered so others can have a fighting chance of surviving. In my mind if we can save just one life then any amount that we donate was well worth every penny!"

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... I am once again humbled by the members of this community!
Well I made the donation this morning. The $500 from @Steamtrain and the $125 that was sent directly to @detroitdad. I also upped my goal by a little so my friends here in Texas did not think they were off the hook!:)

FYI they used the name from the CC but I will ask for them to change it to Michael via detroitdad and PCF

You guys rock!

David O
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Well I was going to leave it as a surprise but decided to let you know what I am sending as your bonus items. I actually let go of two flamingo items out of my sanctuary. Those who know me know how difficult it is for me to let any of these go but I did because it shows how much your donation means to me. Thank you Michael - @Steamtrain

Coming your way, a spotted bird card cap, a Flamingo dealer button, a new setup of bridge size jumbo index Desjgn cards (new updated version), a new deck of bridge size jumbo index Piatnik cards, a commemorative chip from the 2017 All in at the Alamo and a sample set of the Paulson PCF tourney set.


David O


David O
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Thank you very much for the bonus items!
Spotted Bird!!!
That dealer button is sweet!
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