Found Cheap Cash Game Set (1 Viewer)

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If all the chips are used clay chips that stack close to 20 in a barrel, I wouldn’t mind. I just want cool looking chips.

So would you not recommend pairing the Kenmore Lanes $1’s with something like, I dunno...Aztar $5’s?
Tracking info. received! Now feel confident enough to discuss.

I purchased a set of Kenmore Lanes ASM A-mold chips for ~$.33/per chip plus shipping. Chips range from casino used to whatever the next category up from that is.

96 - .25 fracs
198 - $1
159 - $5

Below are the pics received from seller (chips need cleaning/oil to achieve the darker color).

View attachment 235708View attachment 235709View attachment 235710

Now need recommendations for a $20/$25 chip to use with these chips (I don’t care if it’s a different mold/manufacturer, as long as the chips are roughly the same size). Probably only need a couple barrels, which would put me at ~500 chips total.

Also, willing to listen to trade offers for the fracs and $5’s :)
Ah yes . . . those quarters are from Online Find #2 . . . brings back memories :-)
These aren't exactly bright but they have the right spots with enough contrast to distinguish them from the other denoms and they weigh 11g and can be found for around $1 a chip.

TL/DR: pics of the washed/oiled chips at the bottom.

The chips arrived safe and sound last Monday. Upon opening the boxes, my initial feeling was one of disappointment. The chips were as advertised, but these chips were grimey - the fracs were a greenish brown color, the $1/$5's varied significantly in color, and roughly a 1/4 of these chips had casino gunk in the molds (mostly in the "A's"). Also, I'm not sure why, but the "Kenmore" on the .25 fracs have a blue coloring, which is pretty consistent across all the fracs. The fracs are in a lot better condition than the $1's and $5's - again, as advertised, but the difference is noticeable. I left the chips in the boxes for a day after opening.

Eventually, I decided that I would need to clean them, even if it was only in an attempt to cut my losses and sell them later. I started washing the chips, and while the $1's and $5's improved in color, the .25 fracs improved dramatically! I used the hottest water my hands could handle to wash the fracs, and they went from greenish brown back to off-white. The edges of the fracs could still use more cleaning - is it safe to use a Magic Eraser on these ASM chips? I tried my best to take off all of the casino gunk from the $1's and $5's, but some probably remains from the first batches washed before process improvements. One of the $1 chips is missing a sticker/inlay? on one side - this chip instantly became my favorite.

After they were all washed, I used the water/oil trick to add oil, with mixed results. I've seen everyone say that only a little bit of oil is needed, but I think with the used $1 and $5's, considering their condition/color, more was probably needed. The water/oil trick worked, generally, but often did not get oil into the grooves of the mold itself. About ~70% of the $5's and ~40% of the $1's were re-oiled using the same water/oil trick, this time with me rubbing the molds with my fingers as they were coming out of the water/oil mixture. The blue chips took the oil well, and only 3 of the worst chips needed oil applied manually after 2 attempts. There were about 50 red chips that I had to manually apply oil to because it wasn't reaching the mold.

Pros: After lots of time and effort, I now have a clean, relatively gunk-free set of chips that has a bank of $1,000+. The colors of the chips are now fairly consistent, and a vast improvement. Chips were purchased at china clay prices, so I achieved my goal of getting a cheap cash set.

Cons: I still don't have a $20/$25 chip (although admittedly, one is not absolutely necessary). I also wonder if I would have been happier if I simply purchased a brand new china clay set of a similar count.

Collateral Damage: I broke one of the $5 chips during the washing process, and one of the latches on the 300-chip poker chip case I had broke. I now need to look into storage options.

Below are pics of the new set, as well as of other random chips I have. Still not sure how I'm going to proceed from here, but open to suggestions/trade offers.

Looks like they cleaned up nice! Great looking chips!
nice job! in addition to bringing the quarters into the community, i'm pretty sure those $1s and $5s passed through my hands at one point. i felt the same way about the condition but moved on to other sets before i worked up the energy to try and clean them. they turned out great!
nice job! in addition to bringing the quarters into the community, i'm pretty sure those $1s and $5s passed through my hands at one point. i felt the same way about the condition but moved on to other sets before i worked up the energy to try and clean them. they turned out great!

Did the .25 fracs have the blue coloring on "Kenmore" when you first found them?
Yes. I'm assuming I received 95 of the fracs on the right. I think I have 1 with the standard inlay as well.
It's probably pretty obvious that I sold the chippies to @ChipFinderSK which I, in turn, got from @navels. I've often wondered which is the most traveled set among us PCFers.

Anyway, you seem to have had more patience with me on these chips and it shows - they cleaned up really nicely. And you have a set of real clay chips so you get an appreciation for what they're like. Now all we need is to see them in action!
It's probably pretty obvious that I sold the chippies to @ChipFinderSK which I, in turn, got from @navels. I've often wondered which is the most traveled set among us PCFers.

Anyway, you seem to have had more patience with me on these chips and it shows - they cleaned up really nicely. And you have a set of real clay chips so you get an appreciation for what they're like. Now all we need is to see them in action!

Thanks, @Darson! I tried to keep your identity anonymous - I didn't realize it was obvious (other than to @navels) who it was. And I wouldn't use the word "patience" to describe my tolerance of these chips - I initially started washing them because I thought it would be the only way to get rid of them (based on how they looked when first received).

Even though I can't leave positive feedback for @Darson as a seller, I'd like for this post to serve as such. He was a great seller to deal with, had great communication, and the chips arrived well-packed and on time. He even put up with a little bit of haggling on my end.

I've learned a lot throughout this process (mainly that I never want to hand-scrub 400+ chips again), and I think I'll enjoy the fruits of my manual labor for at least a little while before I make my next move. Unless of course I receive a trade offer I can't refuse ;)
These aren't exactly bright but they have the right spots with enough contrast to distinguish them from the other denoms and they weigh 11g and can be found for around $1 a chip.
View attachment 236267

These Empress $25's (the top ones with blue edgespots) seem like a good option if I decide to add-on to this existing set. Thanks for the suggestion.
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