Wanted Cheap easy to read chips (1 Viewer)

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Full House
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Apr 25, 2013
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I am looking to buy a large set, or multiple sets of budget chips to use for my rental business. I currently use my own relabeled chips, however the denominations are a bit hard to read. In hindsight I should have made the denominations bigger. The color of the $500 chips is also pretty close to the $25 in low lighting which is common at casino night parties.

VPR Line Up.jpg

I'm also going to be dedicating those chips for poker tournaments and want to get a new set for casino nights which have poker, blackjack and roulette. I'd like chips that are easy to read, such as Paulson Elites, but at a much lower price. I'd love to get actual Elite chips, however chips have a tendency to wander off during these parties when players move from table to table and putting the chips in their pockets/purses/cleavage.


Any denoms of $5 and up are wanted.

Milanos and Majestics are potential candidates although I am looking for even cheaper if possible. Metal slugged is fine.

I have a USA mailing address in WA for easier shipping.

Thanks in advance.
Looks like a great candidate. The 5k and 500 chip similar color problem isn't great, which is the same problem I have with my T25 and T500, but I can make it work.
I'm going to keep looking but these look like the right fit so far. Thanks!
Scroll ceramics definitely have large print but they're about 40 cents a chip give or take. They come in high denominations as well.
I haven't been too worried about my chips going missing. As mentioned, it's like giving out a business card. The problem is when someone pockets a whole starting stack and goes home with it. I have plenty of other advertising such as on banners, and printed on the tables themselves. After doing these events for years, I've noticed that nobody notices the chips, or rather a very small percentage. Cheap is what I'm after so I'm not going to get customs this time around.

I noticed the scroll ceramics which are also a good choice, but they're a bit more than I want to spend on rental chips.
Who made the set you have now? Could you just replace either the $25s or the $500s with a different color combo that's more distinctive and keep the rest?
Bluff Canyon, Gold Rush, Desert Heat? I think they are around .15/chip. Just used them recently for a cash game and people liked em.
Who made the set you have now? Could you just replace either the $25s or the $500s with a different color combo that's more distinctive and keep the rest?

They're originally Yin Yang Monte Carlo chips. I had though of doing that but these are kind of like Bud Jones chips where they have the denom around the outside edge as well as in the middle. It would be confusing for casual parties to have a chip with 2 denoms.

I'm wanting to expand the set anyways. I always take chips from my tournaments for the casino nights, and then have to re-assemble them for the next poker tournament. I'm going towards keeping them separate so I might as well get a whole different set which is more legible.

What happens if someone does that during a league game? Limb loss!!!

They would only be so lucky only to lose a limb. One T25 PNY went missing after a game this year which was a tragedy.. Thus why I also want to keep these ones cheap.

Bluff Canyon, Gold Rush, Desert Heat? I think they are around .15/chip. Just used them recently for a cash game and people liked em.View attachment 319995

I saw those for sale in the classifieds too, but alas the shipping kills the deal. I'm also hoping for bigger denoms. The desert heat chips looks great, and the denom is pretty clear but not as big as I'd like. I always see players taking chips, picking them up and holding them 1" away from their face...

Imagine trying to work with this environment:
2019-06-29 01.33.04.jpg

I like the chips I already have, but alas I have to cater to what and where I work with.
Awesome thanks. I will read through the thread tonight and ponder. I like the cheaper option from the first reply, but these are better chips. Probably weigh less too which is nice when lugging around thousands at a time.
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