Chicken Rob's Keto story (1 Viewer)

Thanks Rob, this is great information. I think I'm off to a pretty good start. I have found a few meals that I absolutely love. Having a hard time getting enough fat, so will investigate "fat bombs". I'm rarely hungry.

One more REALLY big important question for now. I've seen that diet soda is to be avoided on keto. This is a HUGE problem for me. I have been a chain drinker of diet coke for my entire life, probably 40 years. This is simply NOT something I can give up. Is this going to really hold me back in keto? I don't really get it, since it has zero carbs. Please tell me I can keep my diet coke, and be a keto champion!

I can’t speak to this from experience, as I hate artificial sweeteners and stevia. What I do know about “keto friendly sweeteners” is that they’re not always keto friendly. Erythritol is allegedly keto friendly. Not for me. I stay in ketosis but gain weight. Stevia, monkfruit and allulose are keto friendly they say. There are reports that they are not keto friendly for everyone.

I’m actually in the process of seeing where my tolerances are. I know erythritol is out, which bums me out because the Lakanto erythritol/monkfruit sugar replacement is delicious. Especially in baked goods and coffee. Monkfruit is gross to me on its own. Stevia is always gross to me. I have not tried allulose yet. Or blending it with monkfruit. That’s my last hope.

In your shoes, my advice is based on your goals. If you are looking at weight loss as a goal, drink the soda, and if you aren’t losing weight, cut it out and see what happens. If your goals are the many other benefits of keto and weight isn’t a concern, then the diet soda probably interfere with producing ketones and getting better sleep, less brain fog, more energy, etc. I think this one comes down to each individual’s tolerances.
Also...I have this blood monitor sitting on my desk. I haven't used it yet. I just keep looking at it.
I am seriously a big puss when it comes to needles and blood (and pain).
It's probably not as bad as I think it will be. But I think I'll just leave it in the box for a while longer. LOL.
My girlfriend tests her blood most days right now. She yelps every time. Just remember the needle depth of the lance is adjustable, and you want to find the minimum depth at which you can get a drop of blood.
They have strips you can pee on to measure your levels
Not remotely accurate enough. Irvine ketone levels can be misleading. Mine are often zero when I’m actually burning them for fuel, even though my blood levels are in the sweet spot. It can lead new keto folks to thinking their failing when their not. The breath meters are better, but their hard to use and more frustrating than their worth.

The one good use of the pee strips is in the beginning. When you start making ketones but you’re not yet fully adapted to using them, they can tell you you’re on the path. Then switch to blood monitoring a week or 2 into making the pee strips turn purple.
I've gotten the hang of testing blood ketones. I'm not exactly sure what to do with that information yet.
I guess I should be increasing my carbs a little each week, to see if I still stay at >0.5.
At least I've gotten over the fear of the blood-inducing poke. Progress!
I've gotten the hang of testing blood ketones. I'm not exactly sure what to do with that information yet.
I guess I should be increasing my carbs a little each week, to see if I still stay at >0.5.
At least I've gotten over the fear of the blood-inducing poke. Progress!
Yes, you want to find both your carb threshold and your protein threshold.

In the beginning, until you’re fully keto adapted, keeping the carbs low is going to get you there faster, and you’ll feel better faster. Once the appetite suppression kicks in you can slowly increase your carbs if you want.

Remember, insulin is your fat storage hormone. The more insulin in your blood, the harder it is to burn fat stores. If shedding excess fat is your goal, staying low carb for a while and keeping your blood ketones closer to 1 and your glucose below 80 will get you there faster. Once you’re losing weight steadily, then it’s time to increase carbs slowly until the weight loss slows or the ketones drop too low.

Just for fun, I went for a long (2.5 hour) zone 2 (fat burning zone, 60-70% max heart rate) ride on my Elliptigo after fasting 22 hours. At the end I tested my blood. I was so shocked that I emailed my doctor wondering if I was in dangerous territory. He assured me if I was feeling fine, he was not concerned with the numbers. When you get really fat adapted you can really fuel yourself on your fat stores and feel great.

Many doctors would send you to the hospital with blood sugar so low. I felt great!


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Rob, thank you for the inspiration. I’m almost 3 months in.

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If there is one thing I like more than collecting chips, its being part of a community that inspires people to be healthier. Congrats Krish on improving your health and thanks again to Rob for sharing his story.
No way I could ever quit pasta or mashed potatoes. In fact just typing those words and I want to try spaghetti topped with butter-whipped potatoes.

But Krish's photos are truly impressive, and almost make me wonder what could be...
7 months in. Same person (who hasn’t changed sizes) next to me for comparison. :)

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Congrats on the weightloss Krish, that's really an epic job. You are looking great.

That niece of yours is looking even better though I have to be honest. Smoking, looks like you hit another one outer.
Anyone want to try keto?

I have these testing items that I am happy to send to anyone for the cost of shipping (testing strips about a year past the pull date, but may still be good?)…includes the testing machine thingie, alcohol prep pads, lancets, and sharps container (if you want that).

It’s going in the trash if nobody wants it. I may have a keto book around here that I could include too, but no promises on that.


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