SOLD Chip Pick: 990pc BCC Inplay (Cigar & Snifter) (2 Viewers)

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If anyone wants to contact me via PM to discuss pricing, please don't hesitate to do so. I don't want price to be a deal-breaker for people, especially during the holidays. These chips are downright awesome and I would love to see them go to a good home.
I'm going Price is Right rules and wagering $1.
Ok, I want these chips sold. Prices updated:

$1 per chip for the cash and tourney sets

If you buy them all before someone claims either subset, I'll take $50 off.

$940 + shipping takes them all. That's less than $1 per chip.

Need more cash set chips? Buy them from @wetfoot at the link below. His set is also < $1 per chip
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