Canceled Chips for sale (1 Viewer)

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These are Beautiful Sets your letting go of....(y) :thumbsup:!!! GLWS if you do decide to let all go!!!
Thanks all. I’ll received many offers via PM.

The morning after....
I told my wife I was selling, asked for her PayPal account. She was pissed at me.

At this time, I will still entertain offers, but I’m not 100% sure what will happen.

Thanks to those who have reached out with your support. It means a lot
Thanks all. I’ll received many offers via PM.

The morning after....
I told my wife I was selling, asked for her PayPal account. She was pissed at me.

At this time, I will still entertain offers, but I’m not 100% sure what will happen.

Thanks to those who have reached out with your support. It means a lot

OMG, my wife would have been already packing up chips.
Every time my wife sees chips going out she know that means more chips will soon be coming in. She has given up on them just going away altogether. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Hopefully it was a Poker reason that spurred this decision and not a real life emergency for a need of quick cash.

Hope all is well or will be soon.
If you need a buyer to hold them until you reclaim your customs, I'm sure that could be arranged.
Seeing pictures of those custom ASMs blew me away. I now "get" the whole customs thing. Wow.

They were a little hard to find so I'll post them here, hope that is okay with the OP.

Seeing pictures of those custom ASMs blew me away. I now "get" the whole customs thing. Wow.

They were a little hard to find so I'll post them here, hope that is okay with the OP.

View attachment 147798 View attachment 147799 View attachment 147800 View attachment 147801 View attachment 147802 View attachment 147803 View attachment 147804 View attachment 147805 View attachment 147806 View attachment 147807 View attachment 147808 View attachment 147809
Wow...where are those from?
They are very nice. It seems like a simple auction would be a quick way for OP to get maximum $.
After settling down and having a good conversation with my wife, I will be canceling this sale.

I won’t go into the all of the details, but depression is tough. It’s easy to say, “just get help”, but it is not that easy. 9 Times out 10, things are great. That 10th time, something small can start a snowball effect and just make it worse. It gets to the point sometimes where you just don’t know what to do.

I wish everything was peachy and easy. It’s not. I’ll do a better job of controlling my emotions in here. I needed a place to vent.. this was my way of doing it.

To those who reached out to check on me, you have no idea how much that helped me. This board is a lot of faceless names, but when somebody really needs something, the names become people, and are there when you need them.

Thank you all for being there and putting my stupidity to rest.... for now

After settling down and having a good conversation with my wife, I will be canceling this sale.

I won’t go into the all of the details, but depression is tough. It’s easy to say, “just get help”, but it is not that easy. 9 Times out 10, things are great. That 10th time, something small can start a snowball effect and just make it worse. It gets to the point sometimes where you just don’t know what to do.

I wish everything was peachy and easy. It’s not. I’ll do a better job of controlling my emotions in here. I needed a place to vent.. this was my way of doing it.

To those who reached out to check on me, you have no idea how much that helped me. This board is a lot of faceless names, but when somebody really needs something, the names become people, and are there when you need them.

Thank you all for being there and putting my stupidity to rest.... for now


Glad to hear you made what seems to be the prudent decision. It is a gift that you have such a supportive spouse. Hope things continue to turn around for you my brother!
Glad to hear things have settled down for now. You have built may friendships through this site and CT before and we will be there for you.
After settling down and having a good conversation with my wife, I will be canceling this sale.

I won’t go into the all of the details, but depression is tough. It’s easy to say, “just get help”, but it is not that easy. 9 Times out 10, things are great. That 10th time, something small can start a snowball effect and just make it worse. It gets to the point sometimes where you just don’t know what to do.

I wish everything was peachy and easy. It’s not. I’ll do a better job of controlling my emotions in here. I needed a place to vent.. this was my way of doing it.

To those who reached out to check on me, you have no idea how much that helped me. This board is a lot of faceless names, but when somebody really needs something, the names become people, and are there when you need them.

Thank you all for being there and putting my stupidity to rest.... for now

Hope you are feeling better; and glad you took the time to think this sale through.

Take care and wishing you all the best!!(y) :thumbsup:
Glad you are doing better Mark.

Seeing pictures of those custom ASMs blew me away. I now "get" the whole customs thing. Wow.

They were a little hard to find so I'll post them here, hope that is okay with the OP.

View attachment 147798 View attachment 147799 View attachment 147800 View attachment 147801 View attachment 147802 View attachment 147803 View attachment 147804 View attachment 147805 View attachment 147806 View attachment 147807 View attachment 147808 View attachment 147809
Thanks for posting these, that is a gorgeous set

I was going to use tiger on my $5 now I am rethinking that....
Welcome back from the edge.

Been there many times, life is not easy, and it always throws in a new challenge.

Some days, all you can do is breathe.

Focus on what matters, the rest doesn't.

I'm happy to see that you're feeling in better spirits and to see the community reach out when something seemed a little off in an email. It's also nice that we see that someones well being was more important than ones self gain. (y) :thumbsup:

When things get tough, just remember that you have a great wife and a great chip collection...when some of us are sitting home in the dark with just DICE CHIPS. :p
View attachment 147536 make me an offer. If you don’t know what they are, you probably don’t need them . F*^% it all

Please only PM me offers.


Wow, my carpet is in bad shape. I just now looked at the picture in the OP. That is the real travesty here !!!!
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