Auction Christmas Special: Yellow Cut Card (new) (1 Viewer)

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You are all SOL now…

Great score, some get all the nice stuff…would love to live in a world were everyone could own canary yellow, universal sized cut cards…but alas
3. Bids must be placed in whole US dollars, using numbers in minimum increments as stated above. (bids using images or spelled out numbers are not valid)

Tricky bid

If you included 1 Paulson chip, you'd get more hits.
Think this matches any of my decks?

It looks like a deal for sure. I wasn't aware that a blank yellow cut card was that rare. I have a yellow one with a company name on it. I wonder if I can rub that base off?
Take a sharpie and print Tiger Palace on it, sell it for triple. Collect funds and put it towards the sale.
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