Color denomination standards (2 Viewers)

What about white or yellow for a quarter with blue for the one? I'm thinking about adding a white to my Pyramids for quarters since I have a crap ton of white chips. Yellow would look the best but I don't have yellows to spare. Also anyone do spotted for fracs?
I love my yellow Dominic $5s. I also use blue CDI $1s (soon to be replaced with blue Paris $1s though). My Dominic's came with green $1s. They are beautiful but green $1s are tilting.

Non standard colors would tilt me, only because my brain will automatically think a red chip is $5 and the green is $25.
The Dominic 5's wouldn't be a problem for me unless you introduced a red chip to the set.
I don't want to hijack this thread, but I have been having the exact same thoughts about putting together a tournament set. I used much higher denominations with my current relabel tournament set because I used cash chips for a base and I didn't want to start at T1.

I plan to do a custom CPC tournament set eventually using values starting at T25, T100.... but don't want to use standard colours. Is a blue T25, brown T100, and purple/black T500 tilting?
A blue T25 wouldn't tilt me, but I'd be wary of those three potentially similar colors in play together.
My home game has traditionally just used whatever color is the largest amount (in the host's set) as the smallest amount, and then do the denominations up in whatever way they see fit. Insanity.

For instance:

Reds are plentiful:
Red is 10c, White is 25c, Blue is $1, Green is $5, Black is $10.

I've been slowly trying to move them towards more standard colors, and started by trying to do a fake tournament style accounting for a cash game.
everything is just multiplied by 10, so a $20 Buy in is 200 chips.
White is 1, Red is 5, Green is 25. They keep wanting to add Blue in the mix for some reason...They think more colors makes it more fun!
This just became too confusing for math purposes. So we have evolved past this to a 25c/50c.

Now that I have started getting together a mixed Paulson set, and we are now playing 25c/50c, it will make colors/math much easier. A frac of some kind, and then White/Blue 1, Red 5.

Where I am going a little off the path, is for the moment I am using:
$25 Dark Green chips as quarters (25c)
$1 White chips as $1
$5 Red chips as $5

It's not as nice as a bright color for a frac, but it's what I you guys think the Dark Green as quarters will be confusing?
do you guys think the Dark Green as quarters will be confusing?

Not if you don't have any $25s in play. In fact, if you want to keep it this way, you can add Yellow $20s and skip the $25 altogether, if you need.

I think it's easy to play with the standard Vegas colours for cash sets.

White/Blue 1's: There are SOOOO many shades of blue out there, you could have several cash sets and not use the same blue hue twice
Red 5's. Can easily substitute with a bright Orange through Maroon shades.
Green 25's. Can mute with a Mint Green, bright with a Day Green, dark with a Forest Green. I've never seen a set for want of Green.
Black. Can be any shade of Grey, dark Brown, navy Blue, maybe even extremely deep Purple.
Fracs can be any solid that doesn't match too closely with your first three denom chip colours. You can even use a size variation, like those lovely Horsehoe 36mm tournament chips.
Thanks for the response, that range of colors does make sense. I am not sure I have seen a yellow $20 though. I did just pick up a magnificent barrel of 43mm Dune Baccarat 20s (from @David O ) that are a light green. I was considering putting those in play since the greens are so different and the size is so much larger, as befitting the largest denomination.
Interesting! I've never played in NJ, and I'm a new member and getting educated every day on the forum. I've heard of Cali colors and Vegas colors, and now maybe Jersey or East Coast? I looked up some of those yellow $20s and they are nice.
At the end of the day, it'll be your set and do what you like. My $5 is butterscotch and my $20 is black.

My $5 is butterscotch too (on my micro cash set) .... maybe we are setting the new standard (y) :thumbsup:
It seems that Blue 1s are outnumbering White 1s for Las Vegas strip casinos. I've recently acquired a barrel of mostly live 1's from each of 15 different Strip casinos and 2/3 of them are Blue.
That is something I noticed in my research through the chip guide too. I really like 1s as White from just traditional coloring, but that's quickly not becoming the norm there.

IMO - The Bally edge spots are good, but the label is odd with the "action" type font of the name. I might like the RIO the best for the remaining White 1s.
Interesting! I've never played in NJ, and I'm a new member and getting educated every day on the forum. I've heard of Cali colors and Vegas colors, and now maybe Jersey or East Coast? I looked up some of those yellow $20s and they are nice.
They are yellow but you rarely see them at a poker table. I say rarely but I have never personally seen them in play at poker table in AC ever out side of someone bringing a single chip out or something. I assumed they were for table games and baccarat or possibly $20/40 limit
There are a handful of hardcore addicts on here that can't handle non-standard colors. Maybe you have some folks with similar views in your home game circuit? Bottom line, its a custom set and the possibilities are virtually endless as to the potential awesomeness that can be created. Do what you will with color progressions, etc. Provided you can tell the chips apart the vast majority of your players won't care if they are standard or non-standard. They will just be loving your amazing chips. (y) :thumbsup:
It would massively tilt me if a set mostly/exclusively uses common standard colors (traditional or Cali) but assigns them different values than the standard.

If a set goes completely rogue and uses entirely different colors from standard for everything, no problem as long as common guidelines are followed, like all denoms clearly being distinguishable from one another.
... the further you get from standard, the more likely players are to make betting mistakes. These are art, but they are also tools to be used.

Agreed... I would just add that your own particular roster of players may be the biggest factor in whether your game can handle unusual color schemes.

If you have a private game consisting entirely of regulars, then any initial confusion about colors/denoms should wear off within 1-2 sessions. Once people get used to it, the value of the chips will become second nature. (This is the main thesis behind my EXTREMELY POPULAR :whistle: :whistling: argument against denoms.)

But if you are hosting a more public, or one where for some other reason the cast of characters changes a lot, then some new faces are going to have to climb that learning curve every session. (That might be an angle for the few regs...)

I’d also think about whether these guys/gals play a lot in casinos or other private games. If they are regs in either East or West Coast casinos, then certain colors are going to mean a lot more to them.

By the same token (no pun intended), I’ve been to some low-stakes home games where more than half the players pretty much *only* play in that one house... I played for years with a couple of guys who had never set foot in a casino. Not once. And they didn’t play in other home games, just the one. All they knew was the color scheme from that one home game. So they would probably freak out at first if the colors changed, but then would get used to it, and not confuse the colors with other games.

For me, finding unusual colored denoms in a game would be fun, especially if they were quality chips... But it would take some getting used to if, say, the reds were 25s, the whites were 5s, and the greens were 1s. If a New York venue did that, I’d assume they were either messing with people or just had no clue.
In my opinion, as long as I can look at the chip and see the denom, I am good. I like seeing other colors for chips, color combos and such..

At the end of the day, Your chips are Your chips, and as long as it does not TILT you..

Also, I do like white chips, but they get dirty quick... I was going to do white $1's but went blue.
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