The designs look very nice overall, pretty impressive to manage to do that many different denoms seemingly without any real dirty stack issues. It’s not gonna be cheap though.
Before doing anything else you need to ask yourself some questions. I have a hard time believing you actually need 3k chips (you’re not starting a casino, right?)
- What cashgame stakes are you looking to cover?
- For how many tables and players?
- How many players do you want to do tournaments for?
Your current breakdown seems to have an excessive amount of cashgame chips and a completely unplayable amount of tourney denom chips.
Most of us mortals need to consider all this for budgetary reasons. That may or may not apply to you. But regardless and even if 3,000 chips would look cool in family photos, chips are made for playing poker with and it would seem like a big waste to get a bunch of chips that’ll never leave their shelf.
Thank you for the feedback. No, I’m not starting a casino, but I do dream of a bigger man cave that is a mini casino: craps, roulette, blackjack, and room for six poker tables. That’ll be further down the road, right now you’re right, and I think I’ll focus on a no limit cash game set for the limits I’ve actually played, not aspirational. Then I’ll get larger limit ceramic set and something else for tournaments.
For no limit, the most common games are 25¢/50¢, 50¢,$1, and $1/$2. We have also played down to 10¢/20¢ and up to $5/$10. If I do this, and if I use guidelines of 200 big blinds buy ins and 2 rebuys, and if I target ~50 chips per person, instead of 100-200, I can see a set of 1000 chips actually being practical and used. This would probably be about $5000.
I hadn’t really run the numbers on total cost before, but you’re right, if I understand the price sheets right, my original thinking would be about $14,000, and then I don’t know how much designers charge, but I would guess another few thousand?
This is exactly why I wanted feedback; to make a better decision. Thank you!
(But I am suprised people are being much more practical than saying, “you need 2000 chips of each denomination to be safe”.)