CPC Dream Set - feedback requested (2 Viewers)


Sitting Out
Jan 20, 2021
Reaction score
I have an unlabeled CPC custom set from 2006 and I’ve always regretted not getting inlays. Recently I decided to pull the trigger on my almost dream set of 3000 chips that should cover any cash game I’ll ever play plus smaller tournaments. The look I’m going for is a 70’s inlay. I love the logos that include a building for some reason. I got this far with a mock up and decided I’d solicit feedback.
My plan is to commission a real logo and then to order:
200 5¢
400 25¢
1000 $1
100 $2.5
900 $5
200 $25
100 $100
20 $500
40 $1000
30 $5000
10 $10000

Anyone see any issues?
Make sure you get a color sample. Some of your base colors in denominations that would be in play together are a little close (25/100; 1000/25k (or bounty)

Interesting use of repeating spot patterns too, but if that's your M.O. run with it. (and change the background from puke green to gray in the design tool)
Hi, you said you pulled the trigger on a 3k chip set. So you already purchased these chips in that quantity?
No.. they decided to.. no trigger pulled yet.
Hence the feedback request ;)
If that’s the case, OP, how many tables are you planning to run at a time? What stakes are you playing and planning to play?

1000 1’s and 900 5’s are already enough for like 3 tables

If you’re getting 3k chips. I’d recommend splitting it 2k for cash and 1k for tournament. Make them two separate sets for security purposes.
The first thing that jumped out to me is that the 25/100 might be a bit too close. I’d take the green out of the $100 to start.

Then put the gray background so it’s easier to assess the lineup.
Welcome back!

My first suggestion is read a bit more on the site. It really feels like you are putting the cart before the horse in several regards. I have a chip break down post and a new members post in my signature, that should help a lot.

It can be difficult to provide advise when using the shit green background, try changing it to a more neutral color like grey.

You shouldn’t try to use the same 25/100 for tournament and cash, the good news is that you’ve already accounted for enough chips. I would focus on 2 distinct sets, then buy the first one, then validate your design for the second one.

I would also solicit feedback on one set at a time.

Another thing I have found is it is unlikely you can buy once cry once with chips. Consider you don’t know how you will grow until after you get your next set. It sounds like you have some experience here with your first set.
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Clearly budget isn’t an issue but why so many upper denoms?
Exclusively so I can use them for our annual T10,000 single table tournament. I intent to commission a larger ceramic set for larger tournaments, but that’ll likely be an order of about 10,000 chips that I’ll do next year.
Make sure you get a color sample. Some of your base colors in denominations that would be in play together are a little close (25/100; 1000/25k (or bounty)

Interesting use of repeating spot patterns too, but if that's your M.O. run with it. (and change the background from puke green to gray in the design tool)
Good call. I have a full sample set from 5 years ago, and the mock ups didn’t take into consideration yet the samples, just colors on the screen.
I’ve been using the tool for years, and I had no idea you could do that. Is there a practical reason for that, or just cause it’s ugly?
Exclusively so I can use them for our annual T10,000 single table tournament. I intent to commission a larger ceramic set for larger tournaments, but that’ll likely be an order of about 10,000 chips that I’ll do next year.
What structure is the tournament? I assume a low base denom and then you want to use those only for rebuys and color ups? If you don't mind me saying, you've got a really weird looking breakdown...
Good catch. I forgot they were a different company and website back then.

What structure is the tournament? I assume a low base denom and then you want to use those only for rebuys and color ups? If you don't mind me saying, you've got a really weird looking breakdown...
I copy the WSOP main event from Positively Fifth Street. So we have $25s thru one $5K. The $10K isn’t needed at all, but I kind of want to for the hell of it.
I copy the WSOP main event from Positively Fifth Street. So we have $25s thru one $5K. The $10K isn’t needed at all, but I kind of want to for the hell of it.

You do not have nearly enough high denomination chips to make a tournament with T25 ($25) base.

Our "standard" T25-base T10000 (200BB) single table (10 player) tournament set has the following chips:
120x $25
120x $100
50x $500
60x $1000
The above is starting stacks for each table of 10 players
You will need to add chips for colour-ups (usually extra $1000s) and rebuys (usually extra $5000s)

You REALLY REALLY REALLY need to define your games in order to ensure you have enough chips to organize how you want to play.
Is this going to be for sale?
The old set? Maybe, I hadn’t thought of it. Are they worth anything?

Hi, you said you pulled the trigger on a 3k chip set. So you already purchased these chips in that quantity?
No, it means I’m now seriously proceeding. But I’ve gotten a lot of good feedback that indicates I have more homework to do.
You do not have nearly enough high denomination chips to make a tournament with T25 ($25) base.

Our "standard" T25-base T10000 (200BB) single table (10 player) tournament set has the following chips:
120x $25
120x $100
50x $500
60x $1000
The above is starting stacks for each table of 10 players
You will need to add chips for colour-ups (usually extra $1000s) and rebuys (usually extra $5000s)

You REALLY REALLY REALLY need to define your games in order to ensure you have enough chips to organize how you want to play.
I agree with you, and I think I’m going to break this into a cash and a tournament set. If I go with your breakdowns plus add enough for two rebuys, you’re right, I need way more $1000s especially.
If I model the color ups as the next level, to be conservative, and add two rebuys, one for 5 x $1K and 1 x $5K and one for 2 x $5Ks, then I’m talking more like:











Good catch!
The designs look very nice overall, pretty impressive to manage to do that many different denoms seemingly without any real dirty stack issues. It’s not gonna be cheap though.

Before doing anything else you need to ask yourself some questions. I have a hard time believing you actually need 3k chips (you’re not starting a casino, right?)

- What cashgame stakes are you looking to cover?
- For how many tables and players?
- How many players do you want to do tournaments for?

Your current breakdown seems to have an excessive amount of cashgame chips and a completely unplayable amount of tourney denom chips.

Most of us mortals need to consider all this for budgetary reasons. That may or may not apply to you. But regardless and even if 3,000 chips would look cool in family photos, chips are made for playing poker with and it would seem like a big waste to get a bunch of chips that’ll never leave their shelf.
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Very very useful thread. Typically people are constrained to sets of ~600-800 due to budget. However with you it doesn’t seem to be an issue. I’d use these guidelines as an absolute minimum, and any additional I would invest in my workhorse and value chips.

I play currently play 25c blinds so I’d first invest into a lot of 5s, a bit extra of 1s, and if I have room for more chips, invest into my 25s/100s for game growth purposes.
If that’s the case, OP, how many tables are you planning to run at a time? What stakes are you playing and planning to play?

1000 1’s and 900 5’s are already enough for like 3 tables

If you’re getting 3k chips. I’d recommend splitting it 2k for cash and 1k for tournament. Make them two separate sets for security purposes.
I run 1 table 90% of the time, 2 otherwise except for the random 4-6 table day. I don’t plan on this set covering more than my one table days though. And I agree about two sets. I hadn’t considered that, but so many have pointed it out, I think I’ll be doing two, seperate sets with overlap in denominations, but not design, at the $5, $25 and $100 level.
For cash stakes, 50¢/$1 NLHE most common, but me group is pretty flexible, so I’d like to support the games we’ve played in the past: NLHE 5¢/10¢, 50¢/$1, $2.5/$5 and, rarely $5/$10. For limit games: $2/$4, $2.5/$5, $4/$8 and also a stud or razz game from time to time that’s lower limit where nickels or quarters are antes.
For tournaments, 95% are T10,000 NLHE starting at 25/50 blinds. Sometimes we do rebuys and add ons, so I will plan for 1 table, 10 players, 2 rebuys for this set. I’ll get a larger set for my infrequent big ones.

Very very useful thread. Typically people are constrained to sets of ~600-800 due to budget. However with you it doesn’t seem to be an issue. I’d use these guidelines as an absolute minimum, and any additional I would invest in my workhorse and value chips.

I play currently play 25c blinds so I’d first invest into a lot of 5s, a bit extra of 1s, and if I have room for more chips, invest into my 25s/100s for game growth purposes.
Thank you for the feedback. This was a good read. I worked up a spreadsheet of the games I’ve played, stakes, etc. Based on that input, I have made some assumptions (versus being all willy nilly and wanting lots of chips): for no limit games, three denominations for 200 big blinds and then a fourth for two rebuys. Total chips before rebuys about 40 chips and after rebuys 50-60. (Previously I imagined more like 100-200 per player, but you guys are all right, that slows the game down).
The designs look very nice overall, pretty impressive to manage to do that many different denoms seemingly without any real dirty stack issues. It’s not gonna be cheap though.

Before doing anything else you need to ask yourself some questions. I have a hard time believing you actually need 3k chips (you’re not starting a casino, right?)

- What cashgame stakes are you looking to cover?
- For how many tables and players?
- How many players do you want to do tournaments for?

Your current breakdown seems to have an excessive amount of cashgame chips and a completely unplayable amount of tourney denom chips.

Most of us mortals need to consider all this for budgetary reasons. That may or may not apply to you. But regardless and even if 3,000 chips would look cool in family photos, chips are made for playing poker with and it would seem like a big waste to get a bunch of chips that’ll never leave their shelf.
Thank you for the feedback. No, I’m not starting a casino, but I do dream of a bigger man cave that is a mini casino: craps, roulette, blackjack, and room for six poker tables. That’ll be further down the road, right now you’re right, and I think I’ll focus on a no limit cash game set for the limits I’ve actually played, not aspirational. Then I’ll get larger limit ceramic set and something else for tournaments.

For no limit, the most common games are 25¢/50¢, 50¢,$1, and $1/$2. We have also played down to 10¢/20¢ and up to $5/$10. If I do this, and if I use guidelines of 200 big blinds buy ins and 2 rebuys, and if I target ~50 chips per person, instead of 100-200, I can see a set of 1000 chips actually being practical and used. This would probably be about $5000.

I hadn’t really run the numbers on total cost before, but you’re right, if I understand the price sheets right, my original thinking would be about $14,000, and then I don’t know how much designers charge, but I would guess another few thousand?

This is exactly why I wanted feedback; to make a better decision. Thank you!

(But I am suprised people are being much more practical than saying, “you need 2000 chips of each denomination to be safe”.)
For limit games, I’m having a harder time seeing good “guidelines” on how much of a bank to have. In contrast, it seems like 200 big blinds for NL is in the ballpark, along with room for a couple rebuys. And then people suggest not going crazy with a hundred chips and/or lots of denominations. For limit, I’ve gleaned the game will run more efficiently with a workhorse chip and a skip-level higher denomination chip (for example a rack of $1 and a barrel of $25, etc). Are there rules of thumb along the lines of “plan for a buy in of 25 big bets, and the ability to rebuy 4 times” or anything like that?

Thank you!
then I don’t know how much designers charge, but I would guess another few thousand
Shhhh. They'll get ideas! Most of the designers from here are very reasonable if you know what you want. Nowhere near the price you listed.

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