These are precisely the type of responses I was looking for.
Some choose molds to fit theme of the set (
@Shaggy with a vintage look)
Some choose molds for feel.
@LotsOfChips I will maybe put in a wanted ad for a shuffle stack of each mold I am interested in. I do have the sample set that
@JustDave mentioned, but the only repeating mold therein is the circlesquare!
@allforcharity I've heard the same about the jokey mold, but I'm not sure I quite like the looks of it. When you say performance, do you mean durability? Or maybe more like weight/sound/feel?
I had no idea that some molds have known potential issues, as
@viet rounder mentions with the height variations.
Are there other things like this I should know about that would influence my decision?
I will of course ultimately choose a mold that I personally like best, but I want to gather as much info as I can.
@BigOlPapaBear I saw that link posted in another thread last night. After perusing, I saw learned that
TRK is a Los Angeles company? If so, that may be a nice choice for my set!
Here is a rough mockup of my inlay. I sent the source files to J5 to help me finalize. (Van, pronounced "vawn" is an ancient armenian city and also the name of my baby son)
So far I am leaning toward scrown, lcrown, diasq, and mayyybbe jockey if I get my hands on a shuffle stack and fall in love. Also amold if my wife discovers the cost difference
I don’t know enough about chips to determine if a particular mold would “fit” with this theme.
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