Straight Flush
Soooo can I pick mine up tomorrow??
You in Denver? Sure - I don't see why not!
Soooo can I pick mine up tomorrow??
Dudes nickels are terrific !
What's the story on te spotted nickels?
So. Next question. Formerly ASM had a smaller quantity needed for an add on. What's the add on policy for this GB?
Wish I would have known about the spotted nickels.
Why aren't you just using flat rate boxes?? Easy as can be. No scale necessary.
It applies to flat rate boxes. You just have to do everything through Paypal.
Probably only 120 or so. Way too small I think.
No prob man - they look great.
I'd probably want DG Tiger base.
From DS:
Minimum on a re-order is 200 total chips (as opposed to 300). Same average 100 or more of each.
Wouldn’t be possible this time round though as the FDL is about to come out and we don’t have enough canary clay made right now.
I'd be in for another 50 or so of the canary/black nickels. If you can find some one else who wants 50, we'd be set at 220.
By the time he loads up again I'll go 200 with my colors no problem. I like having a little more time to do the fund raising myself. Thanks for checking, this is good news.