CT hacked? (1 Viewer)

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Not only is it still down for me, now that I've visited the site, it's updated my bookmarks bar icon (previously the CT symbol obv) with the Barclays symbol.

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Not only is it still down for me, now that I've visited the site, it's updated my bookmarks bar icon (previously the CT symbol obv) with the Barclay's symbol.

At least now I know to send my Wells Fargo fishing spam directly to jbutler. (y) :thumbsup:
And just because I like to snoop, I now know everything I think I'll ever need to know about the requirements for tenure as an educator (or school nurse) in the state of NJ. :LOL: :laugh:

Give me a memo and I can bill your time ;)
Maybe Greg duped Barclays into selling their on-line business to him. After all, he duped the lot of us that were dumb enough to believe his lies and buy a lifetime membership (myself first and foremost).
I am totally ignorant to the dynamics of hosting, but couldn't he just pull the site offline rather than have it redirect to a phishing scam?
Look at the grudge that Mr. IQ is still holding on to. Maybe we should get him a teddy bear.
I laugh every time someone out of the handful of people who do it regularly brings up the lifetime membership thing, I honestly thought for the longest time that the cost was around $500 or something of that significance, but, well, it wasn't. I can understand I guess, I dropped a whole $20 on the site about a month and a half before it went down and I'm just now finishing up my tattoo that will help me nevar forget.

Such a double standard for the way some people act on this board towards other people, it's really obvious and to0 bad. (Just wondering if anybody that hammered chkmate for not "outing" an eBay seller is going to show up in another thread anytime soon, just wondering if some people will be called out for making posts in threads saying they won't be back (via posting in the thread) and then come right back into the discussion, just wondering where the spelling police are to tell people that hyphenating words that don't need it smacks of 1991 ... :rolleyes: :) ) Over the last year or so I've came to understand what some people were talking about at my first meet up when I was brand new to the board. As good as this board is, and the other was, and as cool as 99% of the people are, it's still the internet and it's kind of sad when you realize just how much time, effort, and bravado goes into some peoples posting styles. The only conclusion that can be rationally came to is this cyber land makes up most of what they have in the way of personal relationships, and that's definitely pretty sad....

The "anger" that is still felt towards ol' blu and everything associated with it reminds me of the high school me acting like I don't care my girlfriend just broke up with me and is now heading upstairs with my buddy. Pro tip: You care and it's really obvious, sorry for your loss. ;)

Seriously, when will the pain be over? The picture of pltrgyst's dog ( :D ) he posted in another thread was appropriate for these feelings a year ago, at this point it's just piling on with a mob mentality, I've even seen members that are new to chipping in general talk shit about CT when they weren't around to be on it. Gotta love the internet and the characters people build for themselves.

Good luck Greg, good luck CT, I only visit and post here because all my friends are here but I harbor no ill will and would love to see CT go on for the historical side of things alone. You can even keep my money I spent and I promise I won't post about it a year from now.

Come on guys.... o_O
Luckily I missed this entire debacle. I have no idea WTF anyone is talking about. I went to Google three months ago, typed in poker chip forum, and CT came up first. I registered, and no response after 5 days. I searched again, and PCF came up #2. I registered and jumped in the deep end. Really glad I found this site.
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I went to Google three months ago, typed in poker chip forum, and CT came up first. I registered, and no response after 5 days. I searched again, and PCF came up #2.
Basically the same here. I backed into both sites looking for information on custom clay compression molded chip. :whistle: :whistling:

I never even registered on CT because it seemed like all the good threads were 5-10 years old and there was not a lot of recent activity of interest.
I find it interesting that anybody aside for abby is still even visiting the CT site. I would not have even known about the new line of barClay chips otherwise.
I find it interesting that anybody aside for abby is still even visiting the CT site. I would not have even known about the new line of barClay chips otherwise.

A lot of people still visit, some just to stay up on classifieds, some to look at old pron, and a few who actually post. Abby is a "staff" member there and is doing her best with what she has, I admire her loyalty and work, that must be frustrating, in trying to do whatever it is she can do; it would be very easy for her to throw up her hands and join the pitchfork mob but she doesn't, that's good stuff in my book even if I don't visit there very often myself.

Barcay chips are funny though. :D
A lot of people still visit, some just to stay up on classifieds,

Mostly this, to be honest. There's almost no (new) content there, but I keep my eyes open in case something pops up in the classified section that I "need". I did buy over 1000 chips someone on there about 6 months ago, so it hasn't been a total waste of effort :)
I still visited CT with some regularity searching for a particular link or just a good observation I remembered a member making. Would really be too bad if it all vanished into the ether. I think it is likely inevitable, but still not welcome.
I did that for a while as well, now I don't even do that. I've got a lot of things going, not having new posts to read made it easy to forget to check.
I laugh every time someone out of the handful of people who do it regularly brings up the lifetime membership thing, I honestly thought for the longest time that the cost was around $500 or something of that significance, but, well, it wasn't. I can understand I guess, I dropped a whole $20 on the site about a month and a half before it went down and I'm just now finishing up my tattoo that will help me nevar forget.

Such a double standard for the way some people act on this board towards other people, it's really obvious and to0 bad. (Just wondering if anybody that hammered chkmate for not "outing" an eBay seller is going to show up in another thread anytime soon, just wondering if some people will be called out for making posts in threads saying they won't be back (via posting in the thread) and then come right back into the discussion, just wondering where the spelling police are to tell people that hyphenating words that don't need it smacks of 1991 ... :rolleyes: :) ) Over the last year or so I've came to understand what some people were talking about at my first meet up when I was brand new to the board. As good as this board is, and the other was, and as cool as 99% of the people are, it's still the internet and it's kind of sad when you realize just how much time, effort, and bravado goes into some peoples posting styles. The only conclusion that can be rationally came to is this cyber land makes up most of what they have in the way of personal relationships, and that's definitely pretty sad....

The "anger" that is still felt towards ol' blu and everything associated with it reminds me of the high school me acting like I don't care my girlfriend just broke up with me and is now heading upstairs with my buddy. Pro tip: You care and it's really obvious, sorry for your loss. ;)

Seriously, when will the pain be over? The picture of pltrgyst's dog ( :D ) he posted in another thread was appropriate for these feelings a year ago, at this point it's just piling on with a mob mentality, I've even seen members that are new to chipping in general talk shit about CT when they weren't around to be on it. Gotta love the internet and the characters people build for themselves.

Good luck Greg, good luck CT, I only visit and post here because all my friends are here but I harbor no ill will and would love to see CT go on for the historical side of things alone. You can even keep my money I spent and I promise I won't post about it a year from now.

Come on guys.... o_O

The lifetime membership cost was significantly higher than $20 - if memory serves it was close to $200 - but the anger you're hearing isn't about the money. I piss away $200 playing hold'em in the first orbit...

Alot of people are angry because the site was the best possible resource for chippers until Greg decided to monetize the site - it became more of a business and less of a hobby, hence the paid memberships.

At the same time this happened, Greg started to mislead new chippers via advertising his shitty China chips as authentic clay Pharaohs just like the Paulsons. He was misleading new members to line his own pockets, furthering the animosity from long time members.

Right after he started to make the site a paid site and less of a hobby site, he also let the site go down. Repeatedly. For long periods at a time.

Let's review -

- Took a very popular hobby site and made it about money
- Mislead new members to make more money
- Didn't give a flying FUCK about the site from a maintenance or uptime perspective

I have it on good authority from people that were mods over there that Greg was unavailable for long stretches at a time - and I know he had personal stuff going on - but you lose that leniency from long time members when you start charging people for what was once free.

Cliffs -
- Fuck Greg and Chiptalk
- Maybe not call people out as overreacting when you weren't aware of the backstory
A lot of people still visit, some just to stay up on classifieds, some to look at old pron, and a few who actually post. Abby is a "staff" member there and is doing her best with what she has, I admire her loyalty and work, that must be frustrating, in trying to do whatever it is she can do; it would be very easy for her to throw up her hands and join the pitchfork mob but she doesn't, that's good stuff in my book even if I don't visit there very often myself.

Barcay chips are funny though. :D

Truth be told, there isn't much to do.
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The lifetime membership cost was significantly higher than $20 - if memory serves it was close to $200 - but the anger you're hearing isn't about the money. I piss away $200 playing hold'em in the first orbit...

Alot of people are angry because the site was the best possible resource for chippers until Greg decided to monetize the site - it became more of a business and less of a hobby, hence the paid memberships.

At the same time this happened, Greg started to mislead new chippers via advertising his shitty China chips as authentic clay Pharaohs just like the Paulsons. He was misleading new members to line his own pockets, furthering the animosity from long time members.

Right after he started to make the site a paid site and less of a hobby site, he also let the site go down. Repeatedly. For long periods at a time.

Let's review -

- Took a very popular hobby site and made it about money
- Mislead new members to make more money
- Didn't give a flying FUCK about the site from a maintenance or uptime perspective

I have it on good authority from people that were mods over there that Greg was unavailable for long stretches at a time - and I know he had personal stuff going on - but you lose that leniency from long time members when you start charging people for what was once free.

Cliffs -
- Fuck Greg and Chiptalk
- Maybe not call people out as overreacting when you weren't aware of the backstory

Did this Greg guy found the site or take over it at some point?
He actually bought the website at a foreclosure sale directly from Barclays Bank back in 2002. Apparently he recently defaulted and Barclays took the site back.

He is the founder.

Who are you going to believe, someone who's an admin on Chiptalk or someone who's positing on this thread for the express purpose of harvesting "likes"? You decide. :)
Did this Greg guy found the site or take over it at some point?

In early 2005, Greg was organizing a group buy of sorts for the original Paulson Pharaoh's. This project began on 2+2 but he was not allowed to continue it there, probably because the Pharaoh's project was a for-profit venture. Greg started CT in order to complete the project, and the rest is history. For those new to the hobby, Greg's article about the development of the original Pharaoh's and why he started CT is here.
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