I examined all my chips pretty closely under strong light with a magnifying glass. The only color that I'm seeing this spotting on is my yellow T1000. The spots are pretty uniform all through the parts of the chip that are yellow, and appear to be a slightly more orange shade. (the orange doesn't show in the pic where it just looks grey) I just assumed it was a bit of darker colored ink needed to get the correct shade of yellow. No? I did notice the spots are only on the surface of the chip, and not down inside the "cards" impression where the surface is much smoother.Left: textured 43mm | Right: smooth 39mm
I see no real difference in color and if there is it may just be that chip not due to the surfaces.
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This is a very close up photo. It is very difficult for me to tell textures v smooth when I have them in my hands an I am specifically aware of and looking for the differences. And I still get it wrong sometimes. I don’t want to overstate the difference. But the easiest way to tell is in certain light you can see the different sheen were the texturing ends before the edge of the chip.
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Below you can see the print “spotting” on the light blue #2 color of the smooth surface no mold chip on top of the textured chip on the bottom. To my eye it actually looks like faux texturing when I am trying to look for it. It appears to still occur on the textured chip, but the texturing hides it. On all of the coloring sample chips this is really the only example of this that I could find. And none of your players would really notice this. It doesn’t bother me at all but this is what Tina is referring to I believe.
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If I had the choice I would get the textured because it seems less prone to scuffs or streak marks but the difference is just very minimal in my eyes.
What appears in the pic to be spotting on the red and blue color is not. It's just texture differences and possibly shadow from the strong light. The ink in these colors is uniform.