Sale Custom cloths (1 Viewer)

File has been sent! :). Thanks to P5Woody (Steve) for all the hard work!

Here's a preview of what it will look like on the table
final small.jpg
Thats not bad.....Its AWESOME.....the words on the betting line are a little too much for me.
Nice Gangster Squad cloth! I don't mind the repeating patterns or the words on the bet line. They are small and subtle enough to just look like design elements. IMO.
Thanks for the kind words guys. Hats off to Steve for knocking another design out of the park!
Cell phone pic of my new table with a custom chanman cloth to go with my round table of same design. Wish I would have made the betting line a bit further in like the Club Courage table above this post, but that's the designer's fault (read: me). Otherwise I'm very happy with it.

Bump. OP updated with new info. Shipping is no longer going to be included in the price of $225 as of Aug 1st. Still a great price though. Cloths are shipped folded up in a box so you pay less shipping than if it was sent on a roll. Any wrinkles can be ironed out.

Also offering SSC fabric as well. Extra $50 for it though. I still recommend using the gaming suede.
Looks good. Small letters are hard to read but maybe that's a matter of scale.
I agree with this maybe make the border lines on the small letters a little wider, especially 'card room'. I don't mind that they are little more vague in fact I kinda like it, but it would lose the effect if they just looked hazy all of the time. Nice start
Nice design. I suggest you move the palm trees closer to the middle a bit. The betting line is very obscured by the trees to the point where you cannot tell where it is in some areas. If you move the trees in a little, you can have some more of the betting peeking through the leaves to show where it is. I really like the effect where you have the trees in front and behind the betting line.

Question regarding your custom gaming cloth. I have tested one of the samples for water proofness and clean ability, and it appears excellent. And danger using an open cell padding underneath? Does the ability to repel liquids diminish over time? Has anyone applied scotch-guard after the fact to assist spills?
I will say that a while back I had a (now banned, lol) player eating over the rail. He dropped a crumb of some milk chocolate over the rail and onto the table. I wasn't watching until I heard the collective gasp from the other players. When I looked at what everyone was staring at, there was this piece of chocolate sitting on my FT chan cloth. Everyone was looking at me, then back to the violator, then back to me... I politely comment to the player that he should be careful to not get food onto the playing surface. The older gentleman replies, "Oh, sorry", then proceeds to fix his mistake by rubbing the chocolate away with his thumb... Umm... Rubbing it INTO the cloth. It smears and spreads into a 1" long smear of chocolate pushed into cloth. The table gasps. The old guy apologizes and says he'll take care of it, and make it right. I actually play good host and blow it off. I am acting much calmer than the rest of the table, lol (at least on the outside). Inside I'm freaking out. I send a quick text to Tony, who replies back (within minutes) with the fix, to ensure that I can again relax and enjoy my game. :)

Anyway, Chan cloths are confirmed awesome!
I will say that a while back I had a (now banned, lol) player eating over the rail. He dropped a crumb of some milk chocolate over the rail and onto the table. I wasn't watching until I heard the collective gasp from the other players. When I looked at what everyone was staring at, there was this piece of chocolate sitting on my FT chan cloth. Everyone was looking at me, then back to the violator, then back to me... I politely comment to the player that he should be careful to not get food onto the playing surface. The older gentleman replies, "Oh, sorry", then proceeds to fix his mistake by rubbing the chocolate away with his thumb... Umm... Rubbing it INTO the cloth. It smears and spreads into a 1" long smear of chocolate pushed into cloth. The table gasps. The old guy apologizes and says he'll take care of it, and make it right. I actually play good host and blow it off. I am acting much calmer than the rest of the table, lol (at least on the outside). Inside I'm freaking out. I send a quick text to Tony, who replies back (within minutes) with the fix, to ensure that I can again relax and enjoy my game. :)

Anyway, Chan cloths are confirmed awesome!

Great story - way to leave everyone hanging! What was the fix?

I have two of his cloths now - just preparing for the builds. They are in fact quite awesome, just looking to see if I need to do anything to prepare. I'd like to use open cell foam, the sample of 1/4 in open cell foam is so much better than the Valora on my current tables - just don't want to make a long term mistake if the water proofing diminishes over time like it appears to with SSC.
What was the fix?

Well, apparently, rubbing it into the cloth with your thumb was NOT the fix... lol

I believe Tony's reply was to clean with cold water first (rag), and if needed, use a mild soap.
Waterproofing will diminish over time just as any other fabric. I think of it like a winter jacket. Many are very much waterproof at the start but over time water can start to seep into the material. This is why I used closed cell foam all the time.
Bump. Custom cloths are a great way to upgrade a table. Latest happy customer @pokerplayingpisces : With his guidance I put together this design for him. After a few revisions we came up with this:

View attachment 93316 View attachment 93317

@T_Chan is the man! Thanks Tony!
If you're thinking about custom cloth, Tony is absolutely great to work with, and there is no finer quality felt on the market, than a Chanman felt!
Unfortunately no, the fabric is very different. My understanding is that pool table felts are mainly comprised of wool which cannot take a dye sub.

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