GB Completed Custom Cut Card Group Buy (Round 13) (8 Viewers)

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@Buge I would really like to get in on this. I'm looking at 50 Bridge, and 50 Poker sized. My problem is, I need to do my artwork. So my question is, how long do I have to submit it? I do not want to hold up the process for anyone else.
@Buge I would really like to get in on this. I'm looking at 50 Bridge, and 50 Poker sized. My problem is, I need to do my artwork. So my question is, how long do I have to submit it? I do not want to hold up the process for anyone else.
I will leave the ordering process open until August 15th to get artwork submitted. If that date is approaching and you are close to getting your artwork shoot me a PM
Currently 1 of 4 designs completed (probably 50-100 total cut cards) - will send them all at once when completed. Should have the other 3 designs done be 8/15. If that's too late, just let me know...

Curious...I see people ordering a lot of cut cards.
Do they get destroyed/lost that often that so many are needed?
There's a set up fee per design so it makes sense. Plus it's nice to be able to share and pass them around to others. It's fun to rotate and use other's cut cards.
I will have 3 designs to submit, for around 120-150 cards. I'll be able to do that next Friday, and will make payment then. Thanks!
Sounds good. No need to submit payment until all orders are received. I will then reach out to everyone for payment. Once all payments are received I will submit order to the printing company.
E-mail sent. One file was over 25mb so it's shared with G Drive by default. Please let me know if I need to change the viewing permissions to everyone instead of the just the receiver. I'm guessing it will be downloaded and re-sent through your email instead?
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Order sent, thanks for running this!
Hey Guys! I'm curious. I am seeing orders for 100+, 200+. What are you going to do with that many cards?
I will have 3 designs to submit, for around 120-150 cards. I'll be able to do that next Friday, and will make payment then. Thanks!
I have submitted an email with 4 designs, 300 cards total.

If anyone else wants Rounders cut cards, @Buge now has the files.
Sorry @Buge I got hit with Covid and have been under the weather to say the least. I will have my order and artwork sent to you no later than this Wed.
Does anyone have a vector of the templates? I'm working on a design where I need to know the radius of the corner. I looked through past GBs and could only find the PNGs.
Does anyone have a vector of the templates? I'm working on a design where I need to know the radius of the corner. I looked through past GBs and could only find the PNGs.
In Adobe Illustrator you can turn on grids for measurements. Not sure if you're working in AI. Someone posted a blank template on the first page of this thread too.
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