Straight Flush
It doesn't seem like the OP is holding anyone in poor regard, he simply asked if others have experienced a delay with a specific vendor, and if that experience is normal or not.
The tone behind the OP could yield some insights behind why Sal may have come across as having been frustrated. It has only been a week delay from the initial estimate and he's already taken to the forum's with a post titled "Customer service issues with OWPS..."
As a comparison, I too am on the same timeline as the OP, but I haven't even inquired about it, let alone complained, and certainly not taken to the forums for a Cersei Lannister style public shaming. In my opinion, a one week "delay" from a business like OWPS partners well with patience. OP clearly has none. That's not to say I won't complain when a situation warrants it (see my thread about the Wynn chip shipping fiasco) but it'll damn sure be warranted and probably a "three strikes, you're out" situation before I do. This seems more like an accidental inside pitch and he's already charging the mound... YMMV