Thank you all for the input both for and against. I mean it. I have progressed and grown a lot since I first got here, (was it really only January?). Even those who were and advised heavily against some of the details of my initial design still supported my decision! I was hell bent on having a tribute chip for this beer I love. I have since changed my mind though . . . about everything and many times! Lol. Let me take you through a little progression of where I’m at now, with a little about me on the side. (A bit of a read ahead but feel free to skip ahead to just see the pictures)
As I said before, I did not really care about how legible the words were since most everyone I knew who would see these would immediately know this is Dead Guy Ale from Rogue. And as it was suggsted here earlier I did print an actual size copy on photo paper and was pleased . . . for a while. After a few weeks I looked back on them one day and felt it just wasn’t enough. Where I first changed my mind was on the Dead Guy logo itself. I went with the traditional logo with the Dead Guy on a barrel and after those few weeks, decided that the Dead Guy, NOT the WORDS, were too small! Lol. I know, I know, ass backwards from most everyone here. So I created a new design that focused just on the Dead Guy, just like the canned version of the beer, much more simple and too the point with the chip value being same color as the chip it would be on:
After that, I was pleased again . . . until a few weeks later (yes this is the start of a pattern, lol.) So a few months go by as I wait and plot on building my set and my adoration for this new design continue to wain, until I decide I do not want a Dead Guy chip set, because I would like my set to be more universal and more my own. First of all, I‘m crazy for Portland, OR. It’s where my heart is, even when I’m not. So for a new design I was contemplating something more Oregon-ish as that’s how many who know me can sum me up in a nutshell with my current interests. I reverted to a theme I came up with when I first signed up here but had not yet had a design in mind, and came up with this, again with the chip value matching the color of the intended chip:
This time, it only took maybe 2 weeks for me to no longer like it. I also then discovered the poker chip design tool and was playing around with a chip design if I ever got rich and wanted to have
CPC make a set for me. I should premise, I’m a big fan of the movie Ocean’s 11. So naturally when I had my first legal age trip to Las Vegas, I had to visit the Bellagio, Mirage and the MGM Grand, lol. Well at the time, I fell in love with the Bellagio as my favorite hotel and casino in Vegas with a few others that I really like, right behind, most specifically Mandalay Bay (though the Aria is REALLY really nice and keeps creeping up each time I see it). Anyway, I came up with a surprisingly perfect name that uses a little of my name, and plays on the whole Ocean’s 11 three casinos theme, while also, includes my car which again everyone I know associates me with since I’ve had it for over 16 years now and it was my baby when I first got it. At first, the name was MJM Miraggio, (italian for “mirage” which is my car, lol and well, you can see what it does to include everything else), and then I just dropped the “MJM” to keep it short and sweet at Miraggio. Now, I could create a remake of the Bellagio inlay, (thank you pokerchipforum for the search feature and those who posted the fonts to use to do so!) but I want to keep that for my dream set from
CPC if I ever get rich some day. So what I came up with after, was variations of Bellagio’s Poker Room NCV’s. So I first came up with one design, and then I modified it after printing it:
I liked this one a lot, especially the name but alas, more weeks went by, and I just wasn’t feeling this new more basic design either. There is nothing wrong with it at all in my opinion, it just seemed too basic when I felt I could do more. I started toying with the idea of a pirate theme since that is sort of the feel I get from the colors of the Milano chips that I intend to use. I already had that feel earlier on with the Dead Guy Ale theme. I thought of using the skull from Pirates of the Caribbean but that brought back to not having something of my own. Then I thought trying some sort of sexy girl pirate design, and came up with this:
Now I do like it, but I just knew eventually I’d come across a female, either a girlfriend or new player who didn’t like it at all and felt offended in some way. So I just stowed it aside for maybe something else later. Now I’m back to nothing until a couple months ago, I remember how much I like Mandalay Bay. At first I tried to do something with the Mandalay Bay, “M” logo but I can’t seem to figure how to change the color to a teal as I’d have preferred. I tried to design a wave using “M M” but I just wasn’t feeling it. So then like the female pirate, I tried a picture of wave and then the pieces just started falling together. I ended up coming up with “The Bay” by Miraggio, sort of like a Vdara by Aria or Encore by Wynn idea. Now the problem is that this new idea is sort of dependent on me getting rich to blow $6k total on a 1000 chip cash set and a 1000 chip tourney set at
CPC, with my Miraggio/Bellagio Casino inspired chip theme. Otherwise I have nothing else Miraggio and have to explain should anyone ask. But at this point, I really don’t care. I absolutely love this design and this time, for all you “chip readers” out there, I made the text readable! Plus it’s lasted 2 months without me even thinking of changing my mind! Lol. So here is where I’m at now:
For those of you who stuck around to read this, what do you think? I’m in need of a small 250-300 chip tourney set for more immediate purposes, and I’m thinking of using that need to get a head start on this customized Milano chip idea.