Tourney Deep Stack Tourney/Buy a Percentage of my Buy In? (2 Viewers)

A-aron? Never heard of him, next! He wasn't at the final table.

Pat (guy who eliminated me) ended up chopping with another player when they were head's-up and had nearly identical stacks. I would have done the same. Tarlo says he wouldn't have.
That was rough. I was the unknown at my table. Everyone else new each other. Six of the 8 players were extremely loose calling stations. I've never seen anything like it. A preflop raise would get 5+ callers almost all the time. Even on over bets lol. Add that to some shitty cards and it was a tough go for me.

40 minutes in I pick up pocket Queens in the big blind. Blinds are 50-100. Were playing 20k deep. Couple of folds. A raise to 250. Two callers. The button raises to 450 (the button had played every single hand up to this point, his stack went from 20k to 40k back to 15k and back to 30k in 40 minutes). I haven't played a hand yet. I re-raise to 1100. Folds to the button who calls. Flop is 10h/2h/2d. I bet about half pot. He tanks for a minute and calls. Turn is a black 5. I bet 4k. He calls quickly this time. River is a Jh. I give up and check. He checks and says he is worried about my kicker. I roll over my queens. He rolls over 2/4 for trips. I'm sure I over played it. With the little information I had on him and the texture of the board and his preflop call of my re raise I was sure I was ahead.

Two hours in and my stack is down to 8k. I'm missing everything when finally I hit the flop. Blinds are 200/400, I'm first to act with pocket fives. I make it 1100. I get four callers. Flop is 5/10/ace rainbow. I know someone will bet. I check. Next guy bets 1700. Everyone calls lol. It gets back to me and I shove for something like 7k. Everyone tanks, but eventually folds. I double up without having to see a turn.

That was the highlight of my day. Overall I took to long to adjust to the table. @ChaosRock joined my table for a few minutes before I was eliminated. I'm looking forward to hearing his thoughts, and how he did.

Thanks for the faith guys. Sorry I couldn't give you a return on your money.

That's brutal. With all those loose callers, I wonder what would happen if you just start 3-betting with air.
No disrespect, but you were gone like a fart in the wind for the same.

But I wasnt critcizing the decision to refuse a chop... I posted my bad play for all to see and let everyone know I'm just not good at the game... if I was better and was in a position to chop, I'd have an opinion on it.
So a little more info on this tourney. Guy I know runs a big monthly league that regularly get 40-45 players. He has played in a handful of tournaments I have hosted over the last few years including the $200 buy-in, two-day Quadzilla (quad-stack) NLHE event I hosted a few years back. That tournament was limited to 20 players however I only ended up with 16. It was a blast. We lost 10 players on the first day (12 noon to 12 midnight). I figured day two play would go about 3-4 hours. It went 8. Great tournament!

Anyway, I asked him if he had enough interested players from his league combined with me being able to fill at least one table, would he host this tournament at 30+ players. He agreed and sent an email to his regulars. He told me he had 20-30 interested players. I solicited my group and got a quick handful of commitments. The date was then booked.

I ended up getting a total of 14 players. He got 23. We ended up with a total of 37 runners!

Here was the event poster:


He is a top notch host. As previously stated, pop machine, popcorn and nacho machine table-side. Several wall-mounted computer screens with the blinds schedule all around the playing area. He even wore a microphone and made announcements for table changes. Pretty cool.

I thought it would be a good idea to have name tags as everyone wouldn't know each other. I've had these adhesive satin material "stickies" made in the past. They are made to stick on clothing and are relatively inexpensive. You can write with marker right on them. I used the poster design for the stickies. There is a company in Rochester Hills, Michigan that makes these at a great price. Here is what they looked like minus my name written on it:


Here was the blinds schedule:


I was at table #1 the whole tournament. Picked up some early chips but never got pumped up big. Held my own. I had about 45k at the dinner break. Had some big hands but didn't pick up a massive amount of chips in any one hand. I more or less maintained 30-40 big blinds for a great length of time. A lot, and I mean a lot, of folding. Card dead for good stretches. For the entire time I was in this tournament (8.5 hours of tournament play) I never had any any pocket pairs between 5's and 10's. I also never had pocket queens. Strange.

I was never seated with @detroitdad, @ChaosRock or @WedgeRock. But I was seated with @ThePunk. We never got involved in any big pots together until he got short-stacked as was I. @ThePunk moved all-in for like 15 big blinds give or take. I was close in stack size or just slightly better and looked down at 9h-10h. I had been card dead for roughly 45 minutes and decided to move with this hand and called. @ThePunk showed K-J or Q-J, I can't recall exactly. Flop gave me a 7-8 for an OESD. Turn was a jack which filled my straight and left my opponent drawing dead. @ThePunk quickly left and I haven't heard from him since. I think he is still a little steamed. No big deal. I know he was wishing me well.

A short time later, the final table formed at 10 players. If I remember correctly, the blinds were at 2k-4k-500.

We had a last longer bet for $20 a player. We ended up a total of 11 players who donated to this. So a $220 pot. When the final table formed, there were still 3 of us in the bet. The 3rd player in the bet was short-stacked and pushed all-in for a little more against my early position raise with me holding A-9. He turned over Q-4. My A-9 held up and there were only two of us left in the side bet. 9 players remained.

Myself and the other player in the bet (Ryan) were close in chips at roughly 15 big blinds (90k). I offered a chop of the last longer prize pool and Ryan quickly accepted. A short time later Ryan was eliminated in 9th place and I quickly regretted my chop proposal. :mad:

I treaded water for another 25 minutes or so until a player who was up big melted down and was subsequently eliminated in 8th place. An agreement was quickly made to pay the bubble (7th place) their buy-in back. At least I would get that back.

A short time later the other short-stack was eliminated and I was in the legitimate prize pool. (y) :thumbsup:

I was big time card dead through the previous three eliminations. I was waiting for a hand. Here were the remaining payouts:


We were in the 3,000-6,000-1,000 level for a good while when I looked down at A-Q. I pushed PF for like 70k. Got a call from a player with slighly less. He tabled A-K. :( However the flop brought a queen as did the turn. River was meaningless. I doubled-up and was now guaranteed 5th place cash. :D

Then I went card dead again. I know, I know. 1k antes, 6k big blinds and 3k small blinds started to take their toll five-handed. I got sanded down a little and then looked at A-6. I jammed it without a second thought. It folds around to a guy who was more than double me who pains the call for over a minute. I was seated with him the whole time and he saw me show down some big winners including pocket aces twice. He kept saying "why didn't you just raise 4x?". He eventually calls and tables A-Q. Yikes!

Freaking flop brings a 6 and I'm in the lead. I'm holding my breath. Turn is a jack. Sigh of relief. Then the river is dealt. A queen! I'm eliminated. Ouch!

The player who eliminated me is Pat. A super nice guy. He is quick out of his seat to shake my hand and tells me I played a great tourney. Class act.

All in all, a great structure. Not everyone can run good. I got lucky.

The host is top notch! He said he will definitely make this an annual thing. I'm hoping he will do two of these a year!

I appreciate everyone from my group who participated. Thanks again!

Would love to play next time this runs.
You much hold em. You guys know there are other tourney structures that we could play right?

I would think you of all people would know I'm a big proponent of mixed games in a tournament format. It's actually a little insulting you would say this.
I would think you of all people would know I'm a big proponent of mixed games in a tournament format. It's actually a little insulting you would say this.

I know dude. You get your panties I a bunch to easy :)

It wasn't necessarily directed at you
I wasn't pissed at you @Azcat. More frustrated at my demise from a chip leader to out in 11th. But it was a very fun afternoon overall. I would definitely do it again.. and again and again.
Maybe I'll put something together one of these days. Less the nacho machine, popcorn machine, fountain drinks, aracade games, usb ports under tables, and well a second table.
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