Found Dice Chips or something super cheap (1 Viewer)

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Full House
May 18, 2015
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Ugh...originally I was preparing for a charity poker wife is director of a non-profit school and I am in the process of getting a fundraising tourney for them. Unfortunately I find out this morning that a tragic event has hit a friend of mine (who plays poker at my house). So now I am in the process of organizing a second event short notice to help raise money for him and his family.

I will be running both tourneys, but my awesome Aztar set is no way big enough for a tourney of these sizes (I think ~50 people). I was looking on eBay as well as the Desert Palm NCV on Apache's site (at $99 per 1000 chips, that's a good deal). Those look nice, but I figured I would check here to see if anyone had generic plastic chips for sale in a large quantity (2000+) in 4-5 colors. I hate dice chips and had them for my first set, and was glad to sell them. So if anyone has some crappy chips and wants to dump them, I'd like to buy them from you :)
I have nearly 2000 of this:

Used them when I ran the annual company tourney at a previous job. Used a half dozen times, and not used since.


599 $1, 399 $5, 400 $25, 400 $100, 100 $500, 100 $1000

A few chips are missing/misaligned stickers (par for the course for this low-quality set.)

No case, just racks... Anyone can have them for $100 ($5 a rack, all racks included) plus shipping, and you can top off the set cheaply at $2.50 per 25 chips from the site above, as well as several other sites & Amazon - $5k and $10k chips also available.

@MaxB I do not want to cut in but if you do not pick these up I would like next on them. I have a big tourney coming up that I could use these at. Not for me but for the organization holding the tournament.

@Mental Nomad

David O
I have 1000 official casino weight 11.5g slugged king/crown chips (five colors, black-yellow-red-green-gray, 200 of each I think) that are yours free for the cost of shipping: $13 if I can cram them all into a MFRB, otherwise $18 for a LFRB. I have pics posted here on PCF in the 'where did you start' thread.

Anything else cheap I have on hand is gonna run at least $120 plus shipping.
I like the colors on the crown/dice, and the price is perfect :) ..... however having 1000 chips for a large tourney will be tough. On the flip side, I like the denominated chips (which would be good for the players) but I'm not sure how the $1 plays in a tourney. David O I'll think about everything on the commute home and let you know.

Thanks guys for helping out too :)
@MaxB Not a problem even if you take both. Just trying to help another persons organization. I pray your friend and his family are doing well. Let me know if there is any other help you need. I may have an item that could be auctioned off if it would help.
Thanks. It will be only one set I grab.
Unfortunately the outcome has 0% of doing well. This fundraiser tourney (and I'm going to open the game room arcade to everyone and donate all the coin drop as well) will help them out financially (and show him that there's a group that cares). Early next year will be the school tourney fundraiser, which is just to keep costs down as they are non-profit. Not quite the same fundraiser
I'm not sure how the $1 plays in a tourney.

I initially thought the same... turns out that more people than I expected think starting at 1/2 makes a lot more sense than 25/50.

You can also open at 5/10 with a 1 ante, but I never went with that, figuring it would complicate things. I may have been wrong, a lot of people want to ante, and people like to move chips around. For a fund raiser, people may find it more fun to have an ante - and it means every pot that gets pulled has a few more chips.
I need to lighten my load in advance of an upcoming move, and charity is usually a good thing.

Since it's for charity, I'll eat the shipping, as long as you can wait for flat-rate boxes to show up (you don't want to ship 2000 chips in a hurry.)
I have about 10000 of these plastic chips with aprons and vests. I'm guessing 3g. The quality is step down from dice. Slight step up from interlocking plastic.
Thanks for all the offers...I appreciate it. I found a set that I am going with that matches pretty close to what I need for size and number of chips (denominations and total).

I tried to convince my wife that buying another 1000 Aztars would make more sense but she gave me "the look", so non-clay it is.

Unfortunately things turned for the worse with the family yesterday afternoon :(
When I do have the tourneys, I'll have to post some pics ...we are looking in October for this fundraiser for the family, December/Jan for another fundraiser (non-profit theatre group), then Feb. for the third (the non-profit school).
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