I mean the rules in live play are that bets and raises are made in multiples of the smallest chip used in blinds and antes.
In Robert's rules for home games, Section 3, under subsection on "Betting and Raising"
7. The smallest chip that may be wagered in a game is the smallest chip used in the antes and/or blinds. Smaller chips than this do not play even in quantity, so a player wanting action on such chips must change them up between deals. If betting is in dollar units or greater, a fraction of a dollar does not play. A player going all-in must put all chips that play into the pot.
To tie that to the original post, it is absolutely legal to bet in numbers that aren't whole dollars, so long as they are divisible by quarters. If you want to play in whole dollars, the blinds should be 1-1, or 1-2, or so forth. Really I don't have a lot of sympathy for those that are tilted by odd numbers, it makes you easy to manipulate, I suggest you play better.
I'll admit that players who do that online, raising absurd amounts like 3.47 or 11.19, drive me a bit crazy.
That said, I do agree with this comment. These amounts are just random slider moves that are to the penny. Additionally, online sites often rake to the penny (Which is to their benefit, live rake is usually 1 dollar for every 10. Whereas online, they are so much better off taking one penny for every 20 cents, even), so you get pots calculated to the penny, which means you get all in amounts to the penny. Personally, I would prefer it if online sites were programmed to stick to the increments of the game as in live play for betting and rake, but that's not to their advantage.